Book 2 Chapter :1 Burning

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🔥Burning 🔥

Nessie POV
My father was reading Jacobs thoughts he's thoughts made me repentant my decision.

Every ounce of strength drained from the very being. The pain was growing with every passing second. It would be unbearable if his body wasn't in shock. The shock was subsiding as the adrenaline had run its course. He couldn't continue.

Jacob continued to silently scream and wither on the bed He begged to the sky for someone to save him or to end this agony.

Watching the way Evie hurt him will I was unconscious. This made my stomach turned.

It was like he had been forced to swallow hot coals that were burning all his insides to ash but his skin was cold like fresh snow, biting him as if he were pricked by a thousand needles. Jake wanted to die, for once in his short life the wish to perish weighed heavily in his mind. The teen couldn't handle another moment of this hell. His vision was blurry from the tears falling from the once tan cheeks. He choked on his own spit as his throat felt like it was closing. The woman came into his vision with a feral grin.

The smile took up most of her face, giving the illusion she was nothing more than two eyes and a large mouth filled with sharp jagged teeth. Jake stilled and stared up at her, a weak whimper escaping him.

Renesmee POV

P-please..... please.... Kill me...." He whispered.

I ignored the high pitch screams, coming from the room, ignoring. Everything going on right now. 

Jacob Black, Alpha male of the Shape-shifters, was now becoming one of them, a hybrid vampire /werewolf.
The house got super quiet.
Jacob had stop screaming.
Aunty Alice eyes search uncontrollable. For possible futures.

I heard a gasp

Blood eyes stared at her The protector, The Best Friend I took a few step back. Emmett jump in between us

🐺To Be Continued🐺

I had no other choice Jacob Black (Book 1 & 2Where stories live. Discover now