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⇒Laughing is beneficial for your short-term memory and stress levels

⇒Laughing burns more calories than you may think.

⇒Laughing can create an instant bond between individuals. When you laugh as a group or with someone else, we feel a natural connection to those people and it can alleviate some of the social stress that being around new people might create.

⇒Laughing is a pretty good workout! When you laugh, you are strengthening muscles in your face, stomach, and diaphragm. It’s no substitute for the gym, but a bit of laughter does make the body good!

⇒Women and men differ in laughter. When women are talking, men and women audiences laugh less than when men are talking. When women are speaking to an audience of one or more men, women laugh more than twice as much as the men. Scientists have shown that these gender differences emerge in kids as young as 6 years old.

⇒It’s hard to catch your breath when you laugh because your diaphragm spasms.

⇒We laugh up to 30 times more when we are in the company of others than when we are by ourselves. When they say that laughter is contagious, they are really right!

⇒Couples who laugh together, stay together.

⇒Couples who often laugh together have a lasting relationship.

⇒Laughing improves memory in aging adults, increases blood flow, improves immunity, regulates blood sugar, and helps to improve sleep.

⇒Humans are the Only Species who can Cry and Laugh.

⇒Heavy laughter everyday can strengthen your immune system.

⇒Laughter raises your heart rate and blood pressure.

⇒You breathe better after laughing.

⇒Some studies have reported that laughing for at least fifteen minutes can add around 2 days to your overall lifespan. Live long and…laugh!

⇒Humans can detect smiles from more than 300 feet away, which developed out of a need to be able to distinguish a friend from foe.

⇒When we laugh, we move 12 facial muscles. When we talk and laugh at the same time, the number increases to 84! This facial exercise stretches the skin and may delay the onset of static wrinkles.

⇒A healthy laughter can help you to reduce pain and prevent infections.

⇒Laughter really is contagious. Ever wonder why television shows often play a “laugh track” after a funny moment? Even when we do not see where the source of the laughter is, simply hearing laughter can be contagious.

Most people can't laugh on command. Laughter is not something we produce consciously.

⇒Laughing increases our short-term pain tolerance.

⇒It has been seen that there is a considerable drop in the levels of stress hormones after a good laughing session.

⇒Although we can force smiles and trick our brains into thinking we are happy, we cannot force laughter. You can emit something that sounds a lot like laughter, but you are not tricking your brain whatsoever (and you’re probably not tricking those around you either!)

⇒Not a coffee drinker? That’s okay! Laughing shortly after you wake up can have similar effects to drinking a cup of coffee. Next time you laugh right after getting up, notice how refreshing it feels.

⇒Frequent and whole-hearted laughter helps your body to fight off harmful diseases. By altering the levels of cortisol in your body, laughing lowers our levels of stress and fights off things that might be harmful to us.

⇒Laughter's during negotiations increase the likelihood of small concessions.

⇒Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.

⇒In groups, women laugh more than men. Women also laugh more at men more than men laugh at women.

⇒Laughter can reduce anxiety and other negative emotions.

⇒Laughter during negotiations increases the likelihood of small concessions.

⇒Laughter boosts the immune system. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease.

⇒Laughter is an instinctive behaviour, produced and recognized by people of all cultures.

⇒Laughter is a sound which does not have any language.

⇒Laughter increases our self-esteem, which causes pleasant sensations and helps eliminate negative feelings, like sadness and even depression.

⇒It has been scientifically proven that laughter can be contagious.

⇒Humans are not the only creatures who laugh. Animals like dog and cat also laugh.

⇒Rats and monkeys laugh.

⇒You’re much more likely to laugh in the presence of others, if others are laughing, and if you’re familiar with the comedian.

⇒Laughter protects the heart. Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.

⇒Familiarity is a key part of humour and laughter, and research shows people find jokes told by famous comedians to be funnier than the same joke told by someone they’re not familiar with.

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