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⇒Humans actually have more than 5 senses. The standard litany of sight, taste, hearing, touch, and smell are just the beginning. Researchers at the National Health Institute have determined people have anywhere from 15-21 senses, including proprioception (the sense of space) and thermoception (the sense of heat).

⇒Fitness is equal to Happiness. Exercise makes you happy. Cardiovascular activity increases endorphins in your body, which improves your mood. Running or other intense workouts sometimes also boost adrenaline, which can make you feel as though you have more energy after the workout than when you started.

⇒Holding in the tears and pretending to be okay puts a lot of stress on your mind as well as your heart. Crying keeps you healthy.

⇒Fluency at swearing is a sign of healthy verbal ability. Profane with perfunctory.

⇒Before conception, a father's diet plays a crucial role in child's health.

⇒A "gut feeling" is a chemical signal that your stomach creates to warn the brain of danger.

⇒When the DNA of an organism changes and results in a new trait (characteristic) it is known as mutation.

⇒Bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics.

⇒Those who sit upright are much happier than those who slouch.

⇒Humans can't resist noticing food or danger.

⇒Better to stay away from soda, a can of soda can increase chances of getting diabetes by 22%.

⇒You can shrink a pimple within minutes by putting a bit of Listerine on it. The alcohol dries it up and causes it to fade.

⇒It takes a person 21 days to form a habit.

⇒If you tend to wake up early after drinking, it might be because your blood sugar is low. A slice of bread or peanut butter can solve this.

⇒There's a rare mental disorder of health where people imagine that they are decomposing, dead or non-existent.

⇒The common cold is a type of virus.

⇒Risk of becoming obese increases by two times for people who visit restaurants regularly to eat breakfast or dinner.

⇒"Transabled" people cut off their own limbs to become disabled. That makes them feel more comfortable and unhealthy in their own body.

⇒Avoid indoor tanning as studies show that more cases are due to indoor tanning than lung cancer cases due to smoking.

⇒Don't be depressed, studies show that severe depression increases the aging process in cells, which makes us biologically age more.

⇒Viruses are usually around 100 times smaller than bacteria.

⇒How much time do you sleep?
If your sleeping time is less than 7 hours, it is dangerous for you as it can reduce your life time.

⇒Do you have the habit of smoking? Better avoid it. A single cigarette can reduce your life span by 11 minutes.

⇒The brain treats rejection like physical pain, according to scientists. This affects our mental health.

⇒Not having friends has the same health risk has smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.

⇒White Eggs Are as Healthy as Brown Eggs.

⇒Infectious diseases such as AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis lead to around 26% of worldwide deaths in 2002.

⇒Grapefruit scent will make middle aged women appear six years younger than men. The perception is not reciprocal and the grapefruit scent on men has no effect on women's perception.

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