Chapter 2: Divine Comedy (Interlude)

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Ex04 : Echo Aria - Starry Tales (Interlude)

Chapter 2: Divine Comedy

It has been a while since she has become a construct, but her days has not been quite as chaotic and dramatic as she has imagined.

Most of the World Government-Association of Art's Constructs belong to the Archeological Team, and have been nicknamed "donkeys" by the military's official Task Force. This is because they are just like the 16th-Century archeologists who were embedded into the expeditionary armies, receiving the highest level of protection just like a donkey positioned in the center of an infantry formation.

The responsibility of the Archeological Team is, as their name suggests archeology. In essence they investigate humanity's ancient relics, retrieve them and then repair them.

Selena has never had the opportunity to be in a frontal assault. The two operations she was on were simply to conduct simple investigation on an abandoned satellite nearby. She seldom even gets to fight Corrupted.
As such, she is understandably shocked when she gets her mission to investigate the space station.

Allen : "The space station's trajectory will being it back into our orbit. The Task Force would like the Archeological Team to take part in this mission and attempt to recycle as much space station data as possible during the battle.
Selena you'll go as well.

Selena : "Me...? Are you sure? "
Allen : "Are you not willing?"
Selena : "Of course i am. I'm just a bit surprised. I thought i wasn't experienced enough to take part in such a large-scale operation.
Allen : "No, you're experienced enough, your missions have all been perfectly carried out so far. Few members of the WGAA's Archeological Team can match your level of meticulousness and responsibility.
Besides, I know you've been wanted to be on the front lines with the Task Force Constructs. This battle may be a good opportunity for growth and I'm hoping it'll give you more experience."

Selena : "Thank you for your generosity, sir. "

Allen : "You're welcome. Oh, selena, I'm curious about something... This may be a bit personal and offensive

Selena : "Please go ahead, I have Nothing to hide."

Allen : "I've seen your resume... Or rather, I should say you caught my attention a long time ago.
Your opera once took Babylonia by storm and the WGAA thought highly of your career. There was no doubt you had real talent and skills. You come from a wealthy family, and your future was incredibly bright. There was nothing compelling you to become a Construct. So why did you become a Construct and join the Archeological Team?
Don't get me wrong, members if the Archeological Team can continue to engage in their previous pursuits. It's just that there are archeological tasks to be performed regularly and so the amount of time you can spend on operas is much less than before. I doubt you've given up the opera... You're not the fickle sort. So what was it that made you choose to pick up a weapon?"

This should have been a completely simple archeological operation. How did it end up like this?

While exploring the space station deeper, an Archeological Team member accidentally unlocked the outer electromagnetic lock.

There is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The Task Force Captain has Adjusted the battle objective immediately with the decision to probe further into the space station. After all, any information this space station may provide could become a key turning point in the war against Punishing Virus. They should have turned back on seeing the cross shaped enemies.

Unfortunately, hindsight is 20/20. They stumbled jnto the deepest area and turned the 'truth' behind the space station. In the center of the gigantic circular space station is a geometric core, it has been going through a repetitive cycle of splitting and converging

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