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"I always used to cook for two people.

Now I always make extra food every day to eat."


Not your pov

Week 4 Day 1:
She was walking home after work, the same route as everyday. It now seemed like these days were repeating themselves, she now seemed even more lonely. Her head hug low while I looked through her window. She was just as beautiful upset when she was happy. Though it's only been three weeks since I have watched her. Maybe today will be the day I knock at her door. What a foolish idea. The idea that she would take to me, though, she might need a friend.

Week 4 Day 2:
Today she had brought a young girl with her. I think she was taking care of her, the girl seemed sick, coughing and sneezing whenever I would see her. The woman brought her soup and sat down with her having a conversation while her hand held her head. She looked at her with much love. She then brought medicine for the young girl. And because she was staying over she decided she was going to sleep in the living room, where I watched her sleep. I kept looking not caring of my surroundings. Today she didn't notice me looking at her through her blinds.

Week 4 Day 3:
At night she took the young girl and gave her a big kiss on her cheek. Another woman came buy and gave her a hug. A big one, like she had never felt one before. She put her hand on her shoulder and showed remorse for what motive ? I didn't know. I could never know.

Week 4 Day 4:
She was cooking dinner once again. But she always cooked late , this time she started crying after she sat down and had two plates. But she's only one person , why does she have another plate out ? At this point she couldn't even eat the food she made. She tried, yet each bite made her sob. She was just happy yesterday, I couldn't find out what was wrong with her. This night she forgot to close her blinds , so I saw her strip to her under garments and sleep with nothing else on. She was too tired to change into clothes that night. She was too tired from sobbing.

Week 4 Day 5:
Today she brought home a friend she seemed happy that he was there with her. But I wasn't. My fist were clenched and I can't seemed to understand why. But then his hands were on her skin, I couldn't keep watching them kissing for awhile. His lips on top of hers longer than I can imagine. I squatted down at the building in front of hers. I was in the dark and hoped she didn't see my eyes glow in jealousy as the man decided to slowly take off her shirt leaving her in her bra. She then closed her blinds and I couldn't see a thing.

I didn't want anything to happen so I knocked on her door harshly . I was next to her building and saw her open the door in a robe. "See it's no one" the guy said. I was never this close to her. My heart started pounding and I held it hoping it will slow down. She looked towards my direction and I closed my eyes that seemed to glow in the dark. Sweat dripped down my face while my breath became heavy. She still looked at me not knowing what I was or if she saw someone hiding in the dark

"Maybe you should leave", she said towards my direction and I almost opened my eyes. Yet the guy that was with her had put on his shirt and walked of muttering things while he left.

Week 4 Day 6:
She finally came back from her route home later than usual. This time I got closer and stood in front of her door. I stared at it while I heard her humming a familiar tune on the other side. She was making something new and i heard the dishes clash together while she cleaned a few bowls, pots, and plates. My head rested on the door while my hand pressed up against it as well. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to knock on her door.

Week 4 Day 7:
She cried again. I couldn't find out why, photos were all over her house of people she loved. But I see that no one comes to see her. I kept thinking, what it would be like if I was there ? If I was there sitting down with her, would it help ? Why am I being so thoughtless, as if she would care who I am. As if I came in she would automatically feel better because of me. A stranger. She might not know me but I know her. I known her for almost a month. I've watched her, and I would want to watch her forever.

Week 5 Day 2:
Week 5 day 1 wasn't important, it was the same as always. I watched her and she would sob once more. I wished someone was there to make her better. I stood near her door today as well. My knuckles against it like I was going to knock this time. I was distracted of my surroundings. I didn't even notice anyone by the window. She opened the door and saw me standing like I was about to knock "hello ?", she asked me. And I stayed silent.

"Hi miss"
I said.

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