Return of the Council

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I sat there on the red and gold patterned couch not paying attention to what was being talked about around me. I couldn't stop thinking about it. How could I? Sure, I was angry when I first found out about the first clause, the one that got us into all of this, but this one was a step too far.

"Angie, do you have any thoughts about the subject?" Mother Nature cleared her throat and looked over at me, causing me to immediately sit up straighter and smile.

"I- uh, yes!" I opened my mouth then paused, "I'm sorry, what were we talking about again?"

Mother Nature shook her head slightly and then turned to Dad. "Santa? Santa, are you with us?"

Dad, who was staring off into space blinked slowly. "Y-yes! Yes I am, sorry." He gave her a nod but it was obvious that he was "with us" just as much as I was with Curtis... not at all.

"Well," She smiled despite this, "On behalf of Father Time and the entirety of the council of legendary figures, I'd like to thank you for being such a gracious host once again."

The rest of the council clapped politely.

"Hear, hear. What a lovely place." Easter Bunny clasped his paws together. "It's been too long since we've had the privilege." He smiled, his buck teeth shining brightly. Something told me that Tooth Fairy insisted on cleaning them for him before the meeting.

"Without further ado, let us convene the year-end holiday conference." Mother Nature smiled, and into one of her hands magically appeared a giant old worn-looking book and the other a gavel.

The way these meetings worked was that we'd go around the circle of legendary figures and talk about how our holiday recap of the year went, or any problems we needed help getting a solution to. First up was Tooth Fairy.

"Thank you, Mother Nature," He beamed, his white teeth reflecting off the light from the chandelier. He floated up slightly, his wings flapping quickly, "Fellow council members, I'd like to again propose a new name for myself." Tooth Fairy explained calmly, but by the way he was flittering up in the air, it was clear that he was hopeful about the subject.

As soon as the words left his mouth everyone groaned.

"Oh please! Not again," Easter Bunny threw his hands up.

"Good heavens," Even Mother Nature rolled her eyes at Tooth Fairy's request.

Still, he persisted," In the past, you have rejected Tooth Man, Tooth Guy, and Tooth-"

"Because they stunk," Cupid cut in, picking something in his teeth with the end of one of his arrows.

Tooth Fairy ignored him, "Today, I'd like to submit, Captain Floss."

"Niceee." Cupid said sarcastically.

Even though I knew nobody would actually vote to change his name, I still found it entertaining at the end of every year to hear what names he would suggest.

"Plaque man- and Roy!"

Easter Bunny cracked up, "No!"

"No way! No kid's gonna put a tooth under a pillow for a man named Roy!" Cupid shook his head laughing.

"This is from someone in a diaper who shoots people's butts!" Tooth Fairy shook his head with a tight-lipped frown.

"Only after you all made me wear one," Cupid rolled his eyes. "All I'm saying is that "Tooth Fairy", that's an iconic name. Roy? I don't- where did you even get that?"

"Wait a minute! I got it, I got it." Dad finally spoke up out of his silence. "Now how about this? The Molarnator".

"The Molarnator! I like it!" Tooth Fairy gave a confident grin.

Mistletoe and Roses: A "The Santa Clause" Story (Bernard x Female OC Book 2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt