Saiyan Transformation

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Sorry about the wait, here's the new chapter!

Daiko's POV

Stretching my arms above my head, I walk back downstairs for dinner, already smelling the aroma of moms cooking. 

This is pretty much how it's always been, ever since I came to Earth. Since mom and dad learned about my transformations, they've always had me sleep for most of the day beforehand, cus we all know no one's getting any sleep the night of. 

Honestly, after figuring out that I'm able to stay completely calm during the transition, mom even started inviting over our immediate family to spend the night with us. It ended up being a good decision too, my little cousins love when I transform. 

(They climb all over me like I'm their own personal amusement park. Those kids have nerves of steel.)

This time the heroes are going to stay for the transition, and I'm a bit nervous. 

I know mom gave them the run down, as well as scared them into not trying to take any blood or hair samples, but it's still pretty nerve wracking.  

I know they're the good guys, but I still don't fully trust them. I know they have a tendency, Batman especially, to do bad things when they think it's for the greater good. 

But I'm not going to let them tear down my life. If they do try anything, I won't go easy on them. I'm confident I can take them on, even Superman. 

I'm not even being arrogant, that's just how this Saiyan blood is. We fight, we get knocked down, and we get back up even stronger. The Saiyan race adapts mid battle to defeat their opponents. 

If it comes down to it, the League won't beat me. 

I won't let them. 

And I definitely won't let them eat all mom's good food! Those flash people need to stay away! That food is for me! They can get their own chef, but moms cooking is mine!

And I'm NOT sharing!!!


Hero's POV

As the group of hero's stand in the houses front yard, they talk amongst themselves about the past day. 

"UGH!" Kid Flash groans dramatically, falling on his back on the grass. "That lady is a task master! Who was the idiot who offered to help again?"

The dark bat glare being directed at his head caused him to shoot back up, frantically waving his arms. 

"Uhhhh I mean, I only meant to say, uhhhh pleasedon'tkillme!"

Robin's signature cackle at his friend's plight resulted in an insulted puff of air from Kid Flash, though he was smart enough to stop talking. 

"This is obviously an important time for this family," Wonder Woman addresses the younger heroes. "It is only right that we offered our help, especially after trespassing on their property and intruding into their business."

Green Lantern and Superman nod along. 

"Yeah," Green Arrow mumbles, slightly sarcastically as he cracks his back. "Only right."

Luckily for him, Batman didn't hear, or just didn't acknowledge, his words. 

Just then, the group hears the sound of multiple car doors shutting, and then, 

"Cousin Daiko!" (Multiple people shouting at once)

Three young children, none any older than 8 years old, run into the yard towards the house. Not even a second later, a black and red blur shoots out of the front door and to the kids, lifting them up and spinning around.  

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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