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Yo! I do not own YJ or Dragon Ball Z or Daiko's character art. I own Daiko's personality, as well as the personalities of his parents. I own no art, and no music. Thank you and enjoy the chapter! 


After explaining Daiko's situation to the heroes, the Leaguers and their protégés decide to stay with the family to observe the transformation. Of course, this was with Delilah's permission. To say the heroes were shocked at the revelation would be an understatement. 

"He turns into a giant monkey?!" Green Arrow exclaims. 

"Ape." Green Lantern corrects. 

Batman has his eyes narrowed, obviously thinking, while the others are shocked into silence. 

"I hate monkeys," Superboy grumbles. 

Delilah, hearing this, smiles amusedly at him. 

"I think you'll find that my son is very unlike monkeys, despite his physical disposition. I just ask that you try to get to know him, he's just a little boy."

Superboy's expression unexpectedly softens at Delilah's words, and he sits quietly after that. 

"And during this transformation, Daiko remains calm?" Wonder Woman inquires curiously, and a little impressed. 

Delilah nods proudly. 

"He does. He prefers to meditate throughout the whole transformation but can still function if need be. He's always very careful, but the process is tiring for him, so we make sure he eats and sleeps more in the days leading up to it. He also requires recovery time post transformation; he could get sick otherwise."

"I see." Wonder Woman nods understandingly. 

An awkward silence descends upon the group, before Delilah sighs and smiles wryly at Batman. 

"I assume you will want to stay to observe the transformation?"

Batman does not sugarcoat it. "Yes." 

Delilah simply nods. "That's fine, however," here she glares at the group. "You will not attack him, you will not try to take any "samples" of his DNA, and you will not try to restrain him. You will do NOTHING to threaten him. We have gone through this every month for the last seven years, and if I see you even think about doing something to my son, I will make the whole League regret it. I'm on extremely friendly terms with several important figures in the US government. I will utilize my connections if need be."

The heroes are taken aback at her vehemence but can respect a mother's love of her child. Batman simply nods. 

"Good." Delilah relaxes. "We have several guestrooms, enough for you all to split up and be comfortable. I will see you all in the morning!"

While the mother heads up the stairs to say goodnight to her son, the heroes can only sit in silence. Then...

"Well damn." Flash says in awe. "I think that lady just cowed Batman."

The glare he receives is enough to keep him quiet for the rest of the night. 


The next morning...

The heroes come down the stairs and meet Delilah and Soren at the kitchen table, where breakfast is being laid out. 

"Good morning!" Delilah greets cheerfully, receiving similar greetings from the heroes. 

Flash and his protégé gain a sparkly eyed look as they see all the food set out on the table and make to reach for the plates before their hands are smacked away by Delilah. 

The mother gives the two a disapproving frown. 

"I don't think so. Everyone needs to be here before we eat, especially on days like today. Daiko! Sweety, breakfast!"

A soft groan is heard, before quiet footsteps sound on the stairs. Seconds later, a sleepy young Saiyan comes stumbling towards the table, still wearing light gray pajamas and sporting a fluffy bedhead. 

Delilah and Soren smile softly at their son. 

"Good morning, sweetie."

"Morning son."

The tired Saiyan slides into his seat and mumbles a good morning, before his head promptly falls on the table. 

Kid Flash, Robin, and Green Arrow snort, while Aqualad, Superboy, and the other heroes smile amusedly at the boy. 

Unseen by everyone, Batman's lips twitch. 

Delilah sighs but gives permission to everyone to start eating. 

The group eats in relative silence, the only noise the clinking of silverware on plates and the rapid eating of Kid Flash and his mentor. 

The Saiyan boy, on the other hand, is slowly slipping food into his mouth with his chin still resting on the table. His eyes are still mostly closed to the amusement of the heroes sitting near him. 

Green Lantern, who had been watching the boy, turns to Delilah and Soren worriedly. 

"Shouldn't he be eating more? His transformation is tonight after all."

The groups attention shifts to Soren as he answers reassuringly. "Daiko isn't much of a morning person regardless. Come dinner, he'll eat enough for a whole army," he smiles wryly. 

Breakfast ends peacefully, but when Soren starts to lead Daiko back up to bed, the group turns toward Delilah with questioning looks. 

"Daiko needs all the rest he can get before his transformation," the mother says lightly. "We always wake him up shortly before dinner, and then we wait till the moon comes up. I should also inform you, Daiko's master and some of my family is coming to stay the night. Daiko's little cousins love him."

Batman looks at the woman seriously. "You invite your family over for your Saiyan son's ape transformation?"

Delilah glares at the Dark Knight. "As I have said, we have done this many times before. Daiko is perfectly safe and in control during his transformations, so it isn't an issue having my family over. The children especially love Daiko's transformations. He's 'fluffy,' apparently." 

When Batman looks like he's about to say more, Delilah silences him with a look. 

"Not to mention, Daiko's master is going to be there. Master Roshi trained Daiko from the moment his strength started developing. Master Roshi is perfectly capable of handling the situation if it gets too spirited. Or if unwanted parties interfere."

Delilah looks right at the heroes as she says this, making it very clear that she will not tolerate any unwanted action by them. 

"Master Roshi?" Batman repeats, his eyes widening in realization. 

Delilah smiles smugly. "Ah, I see you recognize the name. So, I should hear no more arguments from you, correct?"

Batman schools his expression. 

"Is there anything we can do to help prepare for tonight?"

Delilah's smile becomes evil. "Well, if you insist," she says jovially. 

Shivers go up the heroes' spines. Just what did Batman volunteer them for?!


Hey! So, sorry about the mini cliff hanger, but next chapter is the transformation! WOOOO!!! Anyway, hope everyone liked the chapter, and see y'all next time! 



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