F/n's Pov

Once Shoop ran into the office, Y/n disappeared and Shoop was even more scared. "WE ARE GOING TO DIE!" Shoop yelled in a panicked voice. "Calm down, I am sure y/n is fine!" I said with reassurance and confidence. "Those things kill people! There was The Bite for crying out loud!" Shoop yelled in my face. Then I slapped her. "Calm the fudge down, stress is what kills people the most and you are not dying tonight. The aniamontronics are doing this on purpose since you hate them and they don't like you. Y/n and I are trying to save you!" I said sternly. I did have to save her, but if she wanted to be saved, she better not give my any Crap to deal with and the last thing I needed was for someone to panic. "Oww" she said. Suddenly the power came on like normal and it wasn't as dark. I immediately started using the cameras and told Shoop to take care of the doors. If y/n was here then we could have her take care of the left door, but since she was gone Shoop had to deal with the doors. I looked for Bonnie since he normally moved first and  we saw in the employee room to be a Y/n's favorite animal that was a suit with her favorite colors. At first I felt sad but soon realized that she was alive since I knew Freddy wouldn't hurt her now. Shoop came over and looked since both doors were fine and screamed. I nearly dropped the darn thing and kept searching for Bonnie.

Shoop's Pov

As f/n kept looking for the stupid aniamontronics, I checked the lights and looked down the halls. I walked to the right door and looked down the west hall. I could see what was apparently Y/n who was now an aniamontronic. I felt a little sorry for her, but soon remembered I needed to check the other side. So I walked to the other side and checked the corner and hallway. This time, I could see Freddy at the party area and once I saw him, he gave me a death stare. I immediately ran back into the office and shut the door. That was a bad mistake, because as soon as I did so, she yelled at me and opened the door. I then went back to checking both sides.

Freddy's Pov

Shoop is going to die whether Y/n likes it or not. I will kill her privately in the room we both once hid in and make the other three take care of y/n and f/n. I think the only one I will need to worry about is Goldy. I bet he will try to do something to stop us, but since I got Y/n along, then she can take care of him. Wait a moment is Y/n going to follow me around? I hope she doesn't, I hated it when Chica used to do that! Maybe she thinks I will kill Shoop and she wants to make sure I won't. Ok then I'll need to lie to her. Shoop has to die either way; the last thing we all need is more murder and more shadows to control us.

Your Pov

I could see Freddy looking at me. He seemed to be in deep thought and and looked like he might want to talk to me, so I walked over towards him. "Need something?" I whispered. "Yeah, why are you following me? I don't like it when people do!" Freddy whispered. "I just don't want you to kill Shoop, she isn't that bad." "Don't worry I won't, we are just gonna scare her!" He whispered trying to reassure me that everything was fine. Of course I still didn't believe him, but I just walked off to make it seem like it did. Before I did though, I nodded letting him know. I walked as quietly I could to the west hall. I then stopped once a camera shined on me and I could then hear someone from the office say," Y/n is in the west hallway!" Then I saw a face that looked like it belonged to Shoop and I could see her eyes get wide with fear and she got back into the office. After this, I walked towards the supply closet and saw Bonnie in there. I quickly got inside and attempted on persuading him to help. "Bonnie listen! Shoop either lives or dies, and if she dies, she'll be here for a long time and be stuck with us! We gotta save her!" I whispered yelled to him. "Why should I help? For years she hated us for doing nothing and she did nothing to help set us free!" He whispered yelled back. Man he was being stubborn! "Sithsyd set this up to punish Shoop for no darn reason! Sithsyd is insane and Shoop is innocent!" I whispered yelled annoyed. Bonnie then whispered,"But Sithsyd helped you out unlike Shoop! Shoop deserves to be punished." "If Sithsyd helped me out then why would she punish her friend? Shoop wrote a little poem that caused Sithsyd to get bonkers and now she changed somethings to my reward to cause her to be manager!" I almost said aloud. I was irritated and wanted to smack him for being stubborn. Then a silence came upon us and he then broke it by saying,"Fine you have a point, but good luck persuading Chica." "Oh no," I said,"you are going to persuade her since I set you and the others free, it's the least you can do." He then sighed and walked out of the closet. I then stayed in there for a bit to replace from his stubbornness.

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