Chapter 8: The Farewell

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When I caught up to Prince Voldron, I grabbed onto his shoulder, to make him stop walking and get his attention. "Well if it is not Princess herself", the Prince said in an ironic tone, "was I more important than the commoner after all". There was nothing I wanted to do more in that moment, than punch him in his face, but I needed him to forgive me, so I just nodded silently. My father would take away every single one of my opportunities to fight and that was the only thing I could not lose, even if I had to sacrifice my pride. Luckily, the Prince seemed to be more than willing to forgive me after all and took one of my hands in his, before kissing it passionately. "I simply want the best for my future bride", he said while squeezing our hands together, "such lovely hands should never have to touch filthy commoners". I kept my face down, so that he could not see the rage that build up inside me, and was most likely reflected in my eyes. "Would you please keep me company until I have to leave again, darling", he suddenly asked, while reaching up with on hand, to caress my cheek, "that way, we can get to know each other a little better".  I took a small step back, so that he could not touch my face, but than I quickly wrapped my arms around his and nodded with a small, forced smile. He seemed a little surprised, but that quickly changed, when put his hand over my arm and grinned happily, while walking further down the path with me. That grin of his made me want to puke, but I had to keep it together and pretend to like him, because this was my last chance. Of course there were other Princes, but none of them shared such a big border with our country and there would be no point in my marriage, if it did not make this country more peaceful. 

"The maids in Persikan could sew you a few more dresses, if you would like", Prince Voldron suggested while taking another sip of his afternoon tee, "the fabrics we have would look lovely on your skin". I just nodded politely, hoping that it would finally make him shut up but sadly, he only seemed to be getting more exited, no matter what gestures I did. "Than it shall be done, as soon as I return", he commented, before sighing while leaning back in his chair, "it is so refreshing to talk to you, you do not argue back, like the other ladies I have met up until now". Surely, that was meant to be a compliment from him, but I saw it more like an extreme insult against all women he has ever met, including myself. Not only was he an idiot, but in the short time we have spent together, I also learned that he hated all commaners and woman alike, if they did not fit his criteria. Those were basically just silence and obedience without question, which were the two things I hated the most in rulers, because they made them ruthless dictators. There were many things I wanted to say to him, but not a single one of them slipped out, because I kept my mouth shut, like the future Queen he wanted me to be. I just hoped that once we were married and took over as rulers of both of our kingdoms, he would let me rule over my subjects, so that they would not have to suffer under his rule. In the end though, a kingdom ruled by an iron fist, was still better, than one covered in uncontrollable warzones, which was a scenario I would avoid through this marriage. The armies of Persikan were big and they would be able to fully support our borders if there was the need. Combined with our own soldiers the armies would probably be able to keep all wars outside of the Kingdom, which would mean my dream was fulfilled. 

"Excuse me for interrupting your Highness", a servant who I have never seen before said to Prince Voldron, "but I have an urgent request". "Speak", the Prince said with a dismissive wave in the servants direction, "what makes you interrupt my lovely afternoon tea session". "The Queen has personally told me to bring you back before dawn", the servant quickly said, "and if we want to make it, we need to be on our way soon". Prince Voldron sighed heavily before turning to me and quickly taking my hands in his to leave a soft kiss on their surface. "It seems like we have to part ways all too soon my dear", he whispered carefully so that the servant would not hear, "but I hope our next meeting is not far". A forced smile was the only answer I could bring myself to give, since I did not hope to meet him ever again but probably had to. "Will you come to see me off at the castle gates", he asked a little bit louder now, though he still did not let go of my hands. I nodded quickly since there truly was nothing I would rather like to do, then to see him finally leave this castle. He finally let go of my hands to follow his servant outside and I took of to climb the stairs and get on top of the castle walls. There were a lot of guards stationed there but it was still one of my favorite spots in the entire castle. When I saw the Prince and his servant ride through the gates on their horses I waved politely, which he answered with a kiss blown in my direction. 

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