He didn't wait for a response, instead throwing the boy across the hall before turning, and storming off down the passageway.

After a few more bouts of coughing, Shuichi looked up at the demon who had come to his rescue to find him staring down the hall.

"T-thank you." He tried to breathe out through his damaged throat.

When the demon turned back to him, there was a look of disgust in his ember eyes. He disappeared in a puff of red, then reappeared inches from Shuichi's nose, fangs bared, and eyes full of pure fury as he spoke in a voice so quiet, so restrained, it was difficult for even Yoko to hear the words through the rumbling growl.

"If you were not bound to her, I would kill you myself, fox... if you're going to steal what belongs to an immortal, you could at least take care not to damage the ones you take!" He straightened, even as recognition flickered in the boy's eyes. 'He's finally piecing it together then...' after a few steps into the hallway, he paused.

"And feed Auren some tareul fruit... if she's anything like her mother, she'll appreciate it after you tried to feed that creature to her..."

Shuichi felt a bead of sweat trickle down his neck as the realization struck, and when the demon spoke of Auren, Yoko released a snarl unlike any other.

'If you tell them my name, any of them...I'll feed you to her mother...'

Veinahvehn shot the thought to him as he stalked away, referencing the pitcher plant that waited for him in the cells below the palace. Shuichi paled further, then swallowed hard, focusing his resolve and ignoring Yoko's growls of protest as he did so.

"Help me."

The words caught in his throat, but the intent reached the dragon in demon form all the same, and he paused. 'With what...'

"The demon Auren holds captive. He knew Yumiko, and said that his boss wanted her. I..."

He swallowed again as flashes of what she had shown him filled his mind. "I don't know what occurred between you two, but it's clear you care for Yumiko as well... Help me discover who would come for her."

Maru thought for a moment. In truth, he would like nothing more than to keep walking, but even at the thought his blood began to heat. With an inward growl, he accepted for the second time that day, that the annoying blood bond the sylph had placed upon him eighteen years past, extended to his descendant's dear ones as well.

With an outward sigh he responded.

"Fine... let's go."


To Kurama's utter shock, the ancient demon had handed him the lead on the interrogation before they had reached the holding cell. It felt utterly alien for him to command a demon so much stronger than him, but Maru, as the dragon called himself now, had insisted.

"This mission was given to you. Whatever else, I will respect that."

On their way to the holding cells, they had come up with a plan of attack. Shuichi would go first, exacting his payment for every slash the dog had given his gentle kitsune. Then Maru would have his turn. Once they were both satisfied with their work, the questions would begin, and to ensure the demon lasted long enough, Shuichi had drawn another stolen plant from his ruby locks. A Makai variant of the echinacea, the large yellow flower he produced was one of the best for keeping a target alive when their wounds would otherwise overwhelm them.

As they entered the cell, they found Auren settled into a shallow pot about three meters wide in the center of the stone-walled room. Auren purred as they entered, and Shuichi smiled to the sentient plant in return. Of all the plants Yoko had taught him to summon, she was certainly one of the most stunning. He walked over to give the plant's giant leaves a pat before setting to work on the walls. He scattered several seeds around the room, then willed them to grow into a thick layer of sound-dampening vines that left no inch of the grey stone uncovered.

A Forest on Fire (KuramaxOc)Where stories live. Discover now