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“What the hell are you talking about? Of course it’s my life.”

            “Not once you become a Contestant. If you lose, you remain in your Room. A fate worse than death, if you ask me. If you win, you are free to live in Spero, but always at a cost. The Guides hunger knows no bounds. Have you ever wondered how those that live out their lives as former Contestants have gained their freedom? I was a Contestant myself, yet here I am in my Room, like Jules and Sharlene and Carlotta.”

            “What are you telling me?”

            “That you are in danger. Of course every Contestant is in danger. Did you never wonder how your mother got free? Where your father went? Where all the people in your neighborhood disappeared to? They are all inside the House, sort of.”

            “What do you mean? How are my parents involved?”

            “Why dear girl, there must be sacrifice for everything we want in life and freedom demands the biggest sacrifice of them all. Your mother gave your father to the Guides to keep herself, and yourself, safe. Your neighbors gave their children, their elderly. How do you think Spero keeps population down?”

            “Through people dying inside of Haven!”

            “Yes, dear girl, that is one way. But the only way to gain your freedom inside Spero is to give them something they can use, something valuable.”

            “Why are you telling me this? What good is it to know that my mother gave the Guides my father? What difference can it make?”

            “My dear it makes all the difference. Your parents will be playing the Game too, you know.”

            “My parents will be playing, too?”

            “Do you remember me telling you that this seasons game, everyone would be involved together in the house as opposed to a Room?” Mave nodded. “Then remember this: everyone in the House is involved with you in some way. This is your House. The other House Guests are just window dressing.”

             “I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing.”

            “Which is usually when things get figured out.”

            “This is my life we’re talking about here.” Mave said with a trace of impatience in her voice. “Can we at least be serious for a moment?”

            Augusta laughed. “Oh, darling girl. It’s not your life anymore. You belong to them.” 

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