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Mave’s first thought is that there were no ads or commercials. Her first thought should have been how they had painted her character to the rest of the citizens of Spero but it was not this. Her first thought was about the lack of commercials.

            There were ads and commercials for everything now. They showed up on their SAEDS, on billboards, even in her dreams. But the promo movie (the recognized it from past seasons of the show, where they would introduce who would be playing) started with blackness and ended with it.

            “Where are the ads?” Mave asked. “There were no ads.”

            Augusta smiled at her. “You’re quick. They don’t show ads to Contestants, they don’t want them pining for things they can no longer have.”

            “And there are supposed to be thirteen House Guests. I only counted nine, including myself. Who are the other four?”

            Augusta smiled wider. “Yes, Faulkner, Carlotta, Jules and Sharlene told me that you were particularly sharp. You noticed that little discrepancy did you dear?”

            “What does it mean? Are there already people in the House? Are they already in Haven?”

            Augusts regarded Mave with a sage look. “You are smarter than others would give you credit for.”

            “Thank you, I think.”

            “Oh, I meant it as a compliment, dear, so take it as one. Yes, there are already House Guests in Haven. I can’t tell you who they are yet though. I can only tell you about the other eight people you will meet.”

            “Are the other four House Guests part of my Room?”

            “Well, they’re trying something different this time, dear. All thirteen House Guests will interact with each other. You will all have free reign of the house instead of being confined to one room. 

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