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Mave was stuck silent, but only for a moment. “What do you mean we’re interacting with each other? The thirteen House Guests have always been kept separate.”

            “I know dear, but they probably wanted to try something different. You know dear, ratings.”

            “But viewing of Haven is mandatory. They don’t have to worry about ratings.”

            Augusta took a sip of her tea. “You are too shrewd for your own good dear. How do I know why they do anything? I do what the Guides of Light tell me to do and that is to prepare you in what little time I can for what you are about to face. People will live, people will die, but I try to make their last few moments something to remember. More tea, dear?”

            “Yes please.”

            Mave waited for Augusta to finish filling up her teacup before she spoke again. “There’s something else you’re not telling me.” She said. “First there are House Guests who are already inside Haven who will remain a mystery and now all thirteen House Guests will be working together in the House not just a room, living out one. What else is going on? Why is Haven so different this season? It can’t be for ratings. You know Augusta.”

            The older woman was silent for a moment, contemplating Mave with her eyes but saying nothing for a time. When she put down her teacup, her face was grave and her eyes were serious. “I shouldn’t tell you anything, not really. I’ve shown you the Cast and should be prepping you for your costume.”

            “But you’re not doing that yet.”

            “No dear, I am not.” Augusta paused. “However, like all the other Rooms you’ve been through to get to mine, we can’t be seen or heard in this one. I see you’ve got Carlotta’s ring. That is one thing you will need. It will guide you. But the other thing you need is knowledge. I don’t want to tell you if it’s going to make you hysterical, though.”

            “I won’t get hysterical, I promise.”

            “Good. You strike me as a girl who knows what she’s doing.”

            “I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing.”

            “Which is usually when things get figured out.”

            “This is my life we’re talking about here.” Mave said with a trace of impatience in her voice. “Can we at least be serious for a moment?”

            Augusta laughed. “Oh, darling girl. It’s not your life anymore. You belong to them.” 

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