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When the blackness cleared again, Mave expected to start playing right away. She had no idea what the in between room had been-perhaps a resting place. She wondered how they got a hold of her father. While she was no longer human, he was supposed to have been dead. Where the fuck am I? She thought.

            The room was done up in some rich plum colours, its couches were covered in doilies. A prim woman with a white head of hair done up in a beehive hairdo looked at her primly. In her hands she held her hat.

            “My name is Augusta Applegate. I am your etiquette coach. We only have a few minutes, dear, so come on over and have a sip of tea.” Though she was a small and short woman, her presence loomed large. “This is also the Prep room. You go on with Carlotta next and then you go in. Gives us some good shots for the SAEDS right? Come on love, one lump or two. We’ve only got thirty minutes.”

            Moving quickly into the room, Mave sat herself down on a very thick couch. Its pillows were adorned with the signs of a compass. “Do you sail boats?” Mave asked.

            Augusta regarded her sagely. “It is not the vessel, dear, but how we get there.” She held out the tea cup. “Do you take cream, too?” Mave nodded. “They used to give us a whole hour, could you imagine, a whole hour with you and now it’s only thirty minutes. But drink your tea, love, it’ll do you good.” She handed Mave the steaming mug. Mave took a greatful sip and the warm liquid moved through her.

            “It’s been years since I’ve had tea.” Mave said softly, relishing the drink.

            “Oh, love, I know! But I’ve been here long enough to earn a few creature comforts. This is called Earl Grey tea.”

            “It’s lovely.”

            “Thank you dear. It always was my favourite.”

            “What did you mean you’ve been here long enough?”

            “Why dear, I thought you knew. This is a room, much like the ones you’ve passed through.” Augusta waved a hand around them. “Just another Room dear. I daresay we are in a labyrinth of them.”

            She sat back and looked at Mave. “So what has Jules picked out for your look?” She pulls out a SAED and begins running her fingers along the tablet. “Nice,” She says. “Very nice. You’ll be a knock out my dear. What name did you choose for yourself?”

            “Mave Mallory Chase.”

            “Good ring to it. Won’t have any more Bambi’s or Candi’s, just won’t. What was your name before you were chosen to be a contestant?”


            “Shame you had to change it dear, a poppy is a beautiful flower.” Augusta looks at her SAED for a moment then swipes another finger across its screen. “Before we get you in costume, its time you met the cast you’ll be playing with.”

            She presses something else on her tablet and a screen slides out of the wall behind her comfortable looking sofa. Light flickers and Mave looks at the screen, not knowing what she will see.

            She has only ever watched television and movies on her SAED. It is the first time she has seen a film projected on something else. It fills Mave with an unsettled feeling, like malice, only not completely formed. Like fear that has yet to be fearful.

            Augusta pats her hand across the table and they both turn to look at the screen.

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