Chapter 8

378 22 8

Author p.o.v

In the darkness of the room sat the King in utter silence. He lean his back on the big wooden chair, his arms spread on the armrest while his legs stretched out straight and were crossed on each other.

His eyes were shut, his breath even out. He might seem like someone in deep slumber or in deep meditation, but that's the complete opposite. The soft music playing downstairs is actually blowing off his eardrums, the sound of the music might come off as a hummed to any ordinary human, and a bit harsher to the supernatural creatures.

But with his extremely sensitive hearings, his case is different. He could hear any sound from miles away. He could have blocked these disturbing sounds out, but why didn't he?

Because the music was not his concern, he couldn't hear anything else when his only valuable and most precious possession was downstairs enjoying the party.

He listened attentively to her heart beating steadily and rhythmically, every breath that she took seemed to match his and every step she took sounded like a heavenly call to him. Every sound she makes only fuelled his need for her. It has been a difficult battle for him since her birth not to claim her.

And now that he has made up his mind to claim her, it's even more difficult living every second away from her.

A knock sounded from the door, disturbing the dwelling silence.

The King would have killed the person outside the room for interrupting his moments, if he wasn't already aware of the reason his beta has to disturb him.

Sitting in his room comfortably and dwelling in the presence of his mate while a severe fight is taking place at the east of his pack.

The King grunted, and the beta took that as an invitation and cracked the door open. The lights from the corridor flood half part of the room, illuminating the other part of the room.

“My King.” The Beta bowed respectively to the king, when the King didn't reply, the beta continued.

“My King, everything is going well. I have placed more guards around and inside the palace as you instructed. And a few more to watch over the Queen.” The Beta reported. Feeling proud of himself for his wise thoughts, believing that the King will be pleased with the extra work he had done.

But to his surprise, the King's face twisted into a grimace.

“Dismiss them.” The King declared, he was not pleased with the idea of people watch her this close and making her feel uneasy. He wanted her to enjoy the party without any care in the world, after all, the party was thrown for her.

“Yes, My King.” The Beta bow and his eyes dim in daze, obviously working on the King's order.

“That was not the reason you came to me, is it?” The King sighed and fluttered his eyes open, and sat up.

“No.” The Beta replied, straightened up, chest puffed out. Shoulders squared and head tilted up, but his eyes were cast down.

At the signal from the King, he continued.

“There's an attack on the east border, the patrol team just reported. The attackers are a small group of rogues, but they are invincible. They heal faster than an ordinary wolf and faster in terms of speed, but are slightly weaker.”

“The patrol team are asking for backup, the numbers of causality is increasing rapidly. The team reported that they suspect the attackers are aiming for the ongoing party. So, what is your order, my King.” The Beta finished his report.

The King smiled, not those sweet and lovely smiles, but that kind that made you wish he didn't smile.

Aiming for the party, he thought. His Beast stirred up, fighting to be released, but he suppressed the beast down.

King Ares couldn't blame his beast because himself also wanted to lash out.

“Send backups to the northern pole, they'll need.” The Beta remain standing, wondering why they should send backup to the north when the fight is in the east.

The Beta didn't argue, though, he simply bowed and made to walk out of the room when the king spoke up again.

“Their strengths lies on their heads, tell that to the Eastern guards.” King Ares further instructed.

“Yes, my King.” The Beta bowed and finally left, closing the door behind, and the room went back to it previous darkness.

When the Beta left, King Ares sat still for a few more minutes. Then stood up and vanished into thin air.

King Ares stood amidst the forest trees, easily blending in with the trees. He watches as the fight unfold, his pack warriors are finally getting the hang of it, even though they still slow to his taste.

The numbers of the rogues began to decline, knowing they were losing the fight, some of them began to flee but unfortunately for them. They end up dead in the hands of the lurking King.

It took a few more minutes before the fight ended, the King emerged from the dark with an unconscious rogue dangling from his hand.

“Lock him up, nobody is allowed five meters close to him.” He threw the rogue over to the head of the warriors before smoothly walking away.

“Maia!” Gina called over the blasting music.

“What!” I replied equally loud, shouting on top of our lungs wasn't necessarily as we were just an inch from each other.

“How are you enjoying the party so far.” Gina said and winked at some random dude, who was too dumbstruck to take his eyes off her.

“let's hit the dance floor to find out.” I grinned and Gina wiggled her brows suggestively at me before pulling me onto the dance floor.

The party has two stages, the first one being for those business moguls/tycoons. Those set of people that always talk about business whenever they together.

So for the second stage, which also happens to be my favourite. This one is for the younger generation, the kids who came with their parents or mainly an invitee.

“Hello, human.” A man came up behind, he was dangerously close to my behind. I threw a glance at him over my shoulder, giving him a weird look, which he returned with a smug on.

“Hi, weirdo.” I smirk at him.

“That's rude sweetheart.” He whispered in my ear, I had to resist the urge to shudder in disgust.

“What's even ruder is referring to someone as human, when you are one yourself.” I scoffed, moving away a bit in a way he won't notice it.

“ A fierce one, I like it.” He remarks, inching close to me. This time has hands went around my waist and remained there. I didn't bother moving away because why not, I came here for fun anyway.

We both swung our bodies to the rhythm of the music, I can feel the handsome stranger's heavy breath on my neck. His body and hands were all over mine, I wasn't attracted to him in any way.

Neither, I did feel anything with him this close, but I let him. Maybe because I was hoping for even a tiny attraction or a bit of excitement.

We remained glued together when suddenly the stranger jumped away. He howled like someone in pain, startled I turned around to see him caught up in flames.

Oh my God, I clasped my mouth to shut out the scream.

Where in the world did this fire come from, and he was so close to me? So many what ifs flooded my head.

It could have been me.

Tears were now running down my cheeks as I watched the dreadful sight.

Devika and Gina came to my side, and supported my weight. Nobody even came to help him, they were just watching.

Right before my eyes, he melted into dust, disappeared into the air.

I frowned amidst my crying, wasn't the burnt corpse not supposed to be laying down here? How come he turned into dust and then disappeared.

Before I could ponder over it, or ask any questions. I felt someone's hand on my forehead, and immediately my eyes rolled to the back of my head. I fell unconscious.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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