Chapter 5

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Maia p.o.v

I stood in a dark desert place in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere, there was only endless sand and the dark sky above in sight nothing else.

No sign of trees, or any creatures of the forest, no sign of life either. It was silent, it was silent to the point it became deafening.

My breath came out rapidly, it seemed like I'd been walking or running for hours until I came to a stand.

The wind howled and whirled around at a faster pace, the wind was stronger and moves with an incredible speed, and goosebumps spread all over my being.

The hair on my body stays in fear, this is like a scene from one of those horror movies. If I hadn't known better, I would be screaming for help, but I knew nobody was going to come.

I was in a desert for crying out loud. Who would hear my cry for help from miles away?

I don't know what this place is and why I was here in the first place, how am I here, what in God's name is going on.

Furthermore, I felt my eyes well up with unshed tears prepared to slide down. I understand this was not the time for tears, but rather to find out what was going on. But I couldn't help it. I was scared, confused, and alone in an unknown desert in the middle of the night.

I was still caught up in the thought of why I'm here and how to leave.

Suddenly, I felt a pull, a magnetic pull urging me to move forward. I wanted to avoid making any more movements, knowing my lungs wouldn't be able to endure any more stress. But my body seemed to be working in tone with this strange pull, I found my legs moving without my knowledge.

I wanted to stop moving, but I wasn't able to resist the pull, it was powerful, so powerful that it had total control over my body. I'm even more scared now. I have no idea what's happening, but I have this gut feeling that I'm not going to like the outcome.

The once-dried sand beneath my feet became wet and sticking, looking down in fright, I was even more frightened by what I saw.

The bright light from the full moon that shone on the earth made me see clearer, I was quick to dictate the red liquid on the ground.

Is that blood? Blood is everywhere.

I flinched back in fright, this can't be, I'm already this scared, and now this? My heart felt like it would burst out of my chest any minute.

I turned around to run away. My feet came in contact with something heavy but soft, causing me to stagger back.

That wasn't there when I passed just now, a gasp escaped my lips, and my palms slapped against my mouth tightly to hold in any sound.

Staring back at me is the lifeless eye of a woman's eyes, her head has been separated from the rest of her body. The scariest part is that her chest has been ripped apart, and all her inside gushed out like waste product.

The place that was supposed to hold her heart was vacant. I didn't want to know what had happened to it. But my eyes have a mind of their own, tracing everywhere around her until it lands on the still-beating heart.

The stench of fresh flesh and blood filtered through my nose, and I cringed.

My hands held my throat, to hold the pile that was threatening to come out. At this point, I wasn't trying to hold the tears any more, they streamed down my cheeks as my teeth cracked against each other.

This is a terrible sight to behold. Who would do something like that? I tensed, whoever did this must still be lurking around, and I'm the only one here.

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