Chapter 4

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Maia p.o.v

Parking my baby in the garage beside my flat, I slump against the seat, taking in deep breaths.

My mind went over what had happened earlier today, strange and scary, but it still left me feeling jitters. I don't know if I should tell anyone. I probably would, but will they even believe me?

I sighed, I looked to the side, seeing Devika's flashy sports car residing in its usual spot. Devika is home, she is the only person of my two friends that will listen, instead of making fun of me.

I unlocked the car, picked up my bag, and alighted on my sweet baby rose-coloured Audi A3 my parents got me on my twentieth birthday.

I swung the entrance door to our flat open and slammed it shut behind me.

“Maia! Is that you?” Devika called, her Indian accent bouncing around.

“Yeah, I'm home,” I called back to her, following her voice to the kitchen. I saw Devika behind the stove, and with the mouth-watering aroma in the air, I knew she must be preparing one or two of that Indian cuisine.

And let me tell you, Devika is a wonderful chef. She's an expert when it's concerned with the kitchen. I fall back behind her, leading me to be the second best when it comes to cooking.

And Gina? Even though Nigerian cuisine is delicious looking, even the few I have tasted from Gina's cooking and the ones I have tried cooking myself bring out any dead taste buds alive. Gina does no justice to it, but she's a good cook, only falling behind Devika and me.

“So… How was your date?” Although Devika doesn't seem like she's against me going on this date with Derek, she is against it but does not show it like Gina. She was calm about it, leaving me to decide for myself what I wanted. But somehow I know it doesn't sit well with her.

“You won't believe what happened, but first I need this roundish side of me fed.” I slumped on the stool behind the counter.

Devika sniffs the air, taking in the delicious aroma in the air. I had to copy her, sniffing the air with my eyes.

“Mmmmm, yum, yum.” I grinned, fluttering my eyes open in time to see Devika swirl around. I thought she would lose her balance but luckily, she didn't.

“His scent is all of you, he finally came.” Devika's face lit up, she seemed like someone who had just won the lottery.

“What?” I gave her a look, I think that snapped her from her Dreamland. She was grinning from ear to ear, it made me wonder if her hulk of a boyfriend had finally proposed.

“Sorry, that line was from the recent book I read, I've been waiting for a perfect time to use it. But since I never had one, I thought I should use it now.” She blushed embarrassed, Devika is easily the shy and reserved one among us friends.

The typical anti-social type, I was wondering how she managed to land herself a boyfriend, but then again, she's Indian. She's probably betrothed to him by her parents.

“And they call Gina crazy.” I shook my head at her, trying not to crack up to save her from more embarrassment.

“Laugh it all out because I know you're doing so in that head of yours.” Devika rolled her eyes, and returned to her work.

“I swear I'm not.”

“Tell that to a blind person,” she retorted. She made a point. From my tone, even a blind person can tell that I'm laughing.

"Vika......” I drag, but she ignores me.

“Guess what's for dinner.” My face instantly lit up at the mention of food.

“You know I can't, I don't do well with guessing,” I complained.

“I know, I'm just messing with you, it's a surprise anyway. And my speciality, the famous Parathas, served piping hot with pickles and a plate full of yogurt.” Devika explained, dropping a bowl of heavenly goodness on the counter.

My mouth waters just from the sight of, Oh My Good Taste buds.

“WOW! You eat those with yogurt?” I was baffled, she gave a single nod, amused by my expression.

“And Poha (Rice) cooked with onions, potatoes and flavoured with lemon and curry leaves.” I leaned forward in anticipation, ready to dig in.

Devika placed two more meals on the counter. These last two I'm familiar with quite well. I've tried out each recipe, and let me tell you, I pulled it off quite well.

Dumplings, preferably, momos in Hindi. This meal is popular among Asians and they are finger-licking. Worth the praise. And the next meal on tonight's menu is khura. Khura is a buckwheat pancake, thick but soft and fluffy.

It's my favourite, especially when served hot with tea.

“Wow Vika, you went all the way out, didn't you? I swear you're my favourite person right now.” I blew her a fly kiss, which she caught and placed over her heart.

“Dig in, Shuga. (Sugar)” Don't have to tell me twice.

“I can't believe he just left you there all by yourself with one command.” Devika's face twisted into an ugly scowl. Devika is not a violent person, but I bet she beats the cramp out of Derek in the head.

“You have to believe it because that's what happened,” I scoffed.

“What if that sex God was some serial killer, or worse, a rapist?” Devika gasped.

“Uhh. I think a serial killer is worse than a rapist.” I correct.

“I don't care, either way, he left you to deal with whoever the sex God was all by yourself.” Devika growled. I frowned about what was with me and heard people growling!

Whatever, I think I need a well-deserved bath to cool off some steam. After everything today, I need to cool off.

“I finally ate something worth mentioning today, I'm so going to doze off the minute I hit the bed.” I burp, dropping my glass of orange juice on the counter.

“You eat like a pig, I tell you.” She exclaimed dramatically.

“Thanks for the compliment, babe.” I teased. I mean it was not my fault that she's a slow eater.

“I meant that as an insult, Badir. (idiot).” She pouts, and I laugh at her expense. Devika is too easy to toy with. So naive and innocent.

“Have you called Gina up? Is she still coming?” I stood, and dropped my plate and glass on the sink.

“Yes, she will be here by 9 pm as usual,” Devika informed me, and I nodded.

“I will go freshen up,” I told her and walked off.

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