Chapter 2

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The King sat upon his pure silver-made throne, he leaned back on the throne, not bothered and unaffected by the silver throne.

His gaze set on his subjects, who sat below him. The same subjects that are trembling just by being in the presence of their King, are all the leaders from different kingdoms and realms all over the world.

The Kings of The Dragon's kingdoms, The Alpha kings of the wolves, and The supreme Lords of the vampires all came from countries all over the world, big and small at large, along with those Alphas governing over the packs and clans.

There are his generals, lieutenants, and his warlords.

All these kings and alphas and lords are here for the yearly annual meeting. This meeting has been held in the palace for centuries now. It was to report on the welfare of their kingdoms, realms, and packs.

However, this meeting has been held for years now, but these leaders are still scared of his presence. Why won't they? Even after the prophecy that took its place over two decades ago, the king is still ruthless when it comes to killing those that offended him.

Even though he hasn't gone into war since the Prophecy was revealed and when it came to pass, the king is still as merciless as before.

The silence in the courtroom was deafening, and it was starting to annoy the king. All these people are supposed to be brave and confident, rather than shivering in a cold sweat like ants.

The King tore his gaze at his beta and right-hand man, who sat a step below him. The beta, without having to hear one word from the king, quickly understood what he was to do from just a stare.

The beta stood up, effectively drawing all attention to himself. He chuckled inwardly at the scared these people are, but he wasn't surprised nor did he blame them for being scared.

Just one look at the King could have you running for your life.

“Welcome to this year's annual meeting, your cooperation pleases the King. And has to ask everyone to feel comfortable and rest, Since the journey from your different kingdoms must be stressful, The King is offering some refreshments along with some entertainment.” Immediately after the beta finished his speech, the oak double door to the courtroom swung open.

Servants came in rushing, carrying different types of snacks, fruits, and drinks, both soft and strong drinks. After the servants finish serving the guests, the entertainers smoothly entered.

The entertainers were female dancers. They performed a beautiful traditional dance to the tone of the traditional song in the background. The dance portrays a story, a beautiful but sad illustration.

It's that of a lonely God, who was known for his brutality and cruelty, but that was all a frontier. The truth was that God was sad and lonely. He desperately wants what others have, but not only what he can not have. A curse had been placed on him that he was deemed to live his immortal life alone.

The King sighed and slumped more onto his throne. This story was about him. A reminder of what had happened in his past was, He was that God. The one the story was talking about, but neither did his people know about it nor was he about to tell them about it.

This story was initiated a thousand years ago, by those that witnessed his reign before the prophecy. And these younger generations were never told who God was.

When the song ended, the dancers bowed to the King before leaving the hall, and the guests enjoyed themselves and cheered, greatly delighted by the performers.

They chat among themselves about how good the dancers are, until a silent and warning growl rumbles across the courtroom. The whole place immediately quieted down, knowing fully to be quieter than to have the wrath of the King on them.

The Beta stood again to address the crowd.

“Well, now that we seem to have had a good time, and have had a well-relaxed welcome. Why not start with what brings us here today?” The Beta questioned, cocking an eyebrow at the crowd, when nobody said a word, he continued.

“Let the meeting begin.” He announced, then took his seat on the left-hand side of the King.

Even after the go-ahead from the Beta, The Kings, and their Alphas are still reluctant to make a move.

“Long live, My King.” Mikhail, Alpha king to the werewolves of Europe, greets them with a bow.

The king didn't give anything, a sign of acknowledgment, his stoic face remained impassive. The Beta gave a nod instead for the continuation.

The King sighs again in boredom, he would rather not be here. His eyes fluttered shut. At a glance at him, one would think he was asleep, but the people in the courtroom know better than to think that of the King.

He might come off looking asleep, but in fact, he's just lying low for the meeting to go smoothly since his presence frightens these kings.

“My King.” Aiden, head of the guards the King has instructed to protect the Queen, greets the king's mind.

The king's expression changed from that calm and relaxed expression since it was not time yet for the usual report.

“Tell me.” This type of sudden report always occurs when the Queen gets in one trouble or the other.

“The Queen is out on a date with a college boy.” Aiden was straight and detailed when reporting to the King, left for him. He would have skipped some things when reporting, but the command over him makes him do otherwise.

“Don't let your attention stray from her, till I get there.” The snarl, that vibrated from the King's chest, had everyone going silent.

That's not a good sign, they all thought. They surely have landed themselves in trouble with the King. If not, why else would he snarl?

Eric Carlos, Supreme Lord of Asia vampires, was already pissing his pants. He was the one giving his report about the clan in his hands. Eric, and everyone else present, fell on their knees when the King stood up from his throne, in all his majestic glory.

His eyes flashed gold, followed by Red. His beasts seemed to be fighting to let out at once. He stormed down the stairs all the while low rumbles vibrating from his throat, all his focus was on the door leading out of the courtroom.

But someone spoke, effectively halting the king's movements. If the place was silent before, now it's even more silent, the cemetery silent.

“My King, the meeting hasn't ended yet.” Muhammad, Alpha king of Africa foolishly asked, even though his question was not unreasonable, but it was a capital crime to question the King.

He could be killed for it, or worse, drag everyone present here to his mess.

“Oh?” The king turned around to face the king who had questioned him. Muhammad, knowing his mistake, lay on his stomach.

“Tell me.” The smug look on the King's face was even more deadly, “What is more important than My Queen?” This time the look on his face wasn't smug anymore, more of a dried plank.

By now, the Alpha king is rolling on the floor in pain, his body and clothes suddenly caught blue flames. And instantly, his whole body was burnt and the sight was hideous to behold.

It was as if he had been burnt by acid. Muhammad howled in pain as his skin came off.

“That should be a warning to all that wish to come in between my Queen and me.” The King's warnings flooded the room. No one would be stupid enough not to heed the King.

They bowed in reverence to the King, while he walked away to the one that was most important to him.

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