(27) Jay

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Taehyung sat at his desk, scrolling through the photos from his wedding. He couldn't help but smile as he looked at the pictures of himself and Jimin...

As he went through the photos, he came across one that stood out to him. It was a picture of him and Jimin, surrounded by their family, all of them smiling and laughing... Taehyung knew that this was a photo that Jay would love to see.

Without hesitation, Taehyung opened up his email and attached the photo, along with a message to his little brother....Tae might not show it...But he adores Jay as his younger brother...

"Hey Jay, I hope you're doing well. I wanted to send you some photos from my wedding... It was such a beautiful day, and I wish you could have been there. This photo is one of my favorites - it captures the love and happiness that we felt that day. I hope you like it too.
Love, Taehyung."

Taehyung hit send and leaned back in his chair, feeling grateful for everything that had happened...He knew he will win jimin's heart back one day... Even though Jay wasn't there because he made an excuse that he got some work, Taehyung knew that he was lying...He knew that Jay only wanted him to marry jimin...And now he wanted to see his reaction...

They were still in Paris because taehyung had something planned in his head


Jay was checking some business related files when he heard a knock...

As he looked back...He saw Misa standing at the door with his laptop...

"What happened love?"

He asked...his voice soft...But face expression less...Like the last few months...He had barely smiled...That one night had a huge impact on him...Misa remembers what happened that night once they reached home...

Jay entered the house after searching for his hyung everywhere...but he couldn't...

Tears streamed down his face as he collapsed onto the riverbank, his body wracked with sobs. He couldn't bear the thought of losing his hyung, his friend, his brother.

As he sat there, alone and helpless, Jay's emotions were a jumbled mess. He felt guilt for not being able to save Jimin, anger at himself for not being more careful, and overwhelming sadness at the thought of never seeing Jimin again.

But he wasn't alone as he thought...Misa was there... Watching him with tears in her own eyes...She also felt attached to jimin even though she had just spent a few weeks with him...But it felt like she had an older brother who is going to protect her...And he did...He did protect everyone...But himself...

She went near him slowly... Sitting in front of him...Making Jay look up...She caressed his cheeks and engulfed him in her arms...Crying with him...


She flinched when she felt Jay shaking her...


"I've been calling you for so long...Where are you lost?"

"Uh...Nothing...Why were you calling me?"

"To ask you why you're here.."

"Oh...Yeah....I...I am here to ask you about...This question..."

She said showing him the laptop in her hand...She is now studying at a college continuing with her degree in business studies...And Jay is helping her with it...

"What's the question?"

"Mr. David sold his refridgerator on an app as he was shifting his base to London...Is this a business activity?...The answer is no...But there is no explaination given...Can you explain in to me?"

"Hmm...the answer is no because for an activity to be business...It must have regularity...There must be regular dealing of goods and services"

"And what about the person who is buying the refrigerator"

"Well...They may or may not be a business man or woman..."

"Oh...Okay...Thank you Jay-ssi"


Jay said and was about to look away when his eyes fell on the laptop's taskbar...

One E mail from boss!

Misa stood up with the laptop when Jay held her hand and made her sit back...

"Huh? What happ-"

"Give me the laptop for a second"


Misa said giving the laptop to Jay who immediately opened the E mail...

He saw an attachment along with some words which taehyung never said to him...

He opened the attachment and saw....

"Jiminie hyung"

A whisper left his mouth...Making Misa confused...


"Misa! Look! Jiminie hyung!!"

He showed her the screen...And her eyes widened


"YES! HE IS ALIVE!! AND....and wait a minute...Does that mean....Boss knew everything...He found him and was about to marry him only!...I-"

Jay started connecting the dots and things started making sense to him...

He couldn't move his eyes away from the photo...Everyone was looking soo happy and he missed it...He missed it all...



"Pack your bags"


"We're going to Paris today"


The next part- Proposal

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