(17) Kim needs park?

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"We have to turn around,"

Jimin whispered urgently to the driver...

But before they could even think about reversing, they heard the sound of doors opening and footsteps approaching their car.

Yakuza's guards surrounded the car, their faces covered with masks. One of them stepped forward, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword.

"Come out"

He ordered...They had no other option but to get out of the car...

Misa got out first and her father immediately slapped her causing her to fall on the ground...

He held her hair tightly causing her to yelp...Tears ran down her cheeks...

"I can't believe this is my blood... Pathetic"

Kuroi spat...Venom lacing his tongue...

As soon as Mrs. Kim and jimin got out of the car...They were held by yakuza's men...

Jimin tried to get free but couldn't...

"Aww look who's trying to get free..."

Kuroi went near jimin smirking....

"Waiting for your hero to come and save you? He ain't gonna save you...Mark my words darling"

Jimin looked at him with his jaw clenched

"He will save us...Mark my words..."

"Well...Leave that 'us'....The real question is...Will he save 'you'?"

"Of course he will! What do you mean"

"What I mean is-"

He was cut off by the sound of a car stopping...He smirked looking at jimin making him confused

"Oh look who's here! Your hero Came to see the show!"

Yakuza turned around looking at taehyung who was pointing a gun at him...

"Let them go kuroi...This fight is between you and me..."

"Uh huh...Is it? I think not..."

"Stop playing around leave them for fucks sake yakuza!"

Taehyung growled...Kuroi chuckled

"Someone's getting angry...You remember how 17 years back...I 'killed' your mother on this same bridge... History is repeating itself...To make you feel nostalgic let me just..."

He signalled his guards...The men with masks held taehyung's mother on the edge of the bridge pressing a gun on her head

"Uff...That's boring...How about something different this time?"

He again signalled his guards and this time they held jimin on the edge too...

Yakuza smirked looking at taehyung's expressions

"Now choose taehyung...Who do you wanna save...Your beloved mother...Who've given you birth or does this Kim needs park...? "

Taehyung's heart was pounding in his chest as he stood there, yakuza had his mother and Jimin, held at gunpoint, and were demanding that he choose which one to save.

He felt like he was in a nightmare, unable to comprehend the situation before him. How could he possibly choose between these two...

His eyes flickered between his mother and Jimin, both of them looking at him with fear and desperation in their eyes. He couldn't bear to see either of them hurt or killed...

But why? Why was he feeling something for jimin? He was nothing to Taehyung...He shouldn't even care because they were both forced for this marriage...But then why was his heart not listening to him...

"Damn...choose fast...We don't have a lot of time...Let me count it for you...Tick tick 1"

Tae knew that he had to make a decision, and quickly. yakuza was growing impatient, and he could sense that his men were not afraid to pull the trigger.

"Tick tick 2"

Taehyung's mind raced as he tried to weigh his options.

"Tick tick 3"

He loved his mother more than anything in the world,

"Tick tick 4"

but jimin had always been there for him, supporting him through thick and thin....taking a bullet for him...

"Tick tick 5"

He looked at Jimin, who was mouthing something to him, but he couldn't make out the words over the sound of his own heartbeat.

"Tick tick 6"

He knew that Jimin would want him to choose his mother, but he couldn't shrug off the feeling in his heart...

"Tick tick 7"

"I can't do this,"

he whispered, his voice shaking with emotion...

"Tick tick 8"

yakuza grew impatient and raised his gun,

Tae looked back at Jimin and his mother, knowing that he had been forced to make an impossible choice, and that he still didn't know what his true feelings were....

"Tick tick 9"


Jay yelled from behind but taehyung couldn't hear anything because of the chaos going on inside his mind...

"Tick tic-"

"I choose my mother!"

Everything around him stopped...All the thoughts that were making him crazy...All the voices in his head...Just a feeling that was lingering inside his heart...That couldn't seem to shrug off no matter how much he tried...

Taehyung didn't even know how and why he gave that answer...Maybe because of the longing feeling for his mother...

He looked at jimin to notice any sort of hurt but all he got in return was a beautiful and angelic smile...That made taehyung Feel like his heart is about burst from pain and guilt...Was this guy mad?? Why was he smiling??

"Very well..."

"I think this Kim doesn't need park"

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