Lily's Ultimatum

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"Hey sweetie, ready for today?" mom asks "Yeah it just sucks that Brady isn't going to be there. I just wish those mothers kept their mouths shut." I say putting my shoes on "Me too, i could see how happy he made you but you guys talk all the time maybe you could go visit him would you like that?" Jumping on top of her "Yes that would be amazing mom." getting off of her "Let's get it." jumping in the car

Walking into studio A it's very intense Abby is already there so lets hope shit doesn't hit the fan but it will "Alright moms looks like you got your wish brady is gone." Abby said I pressed my lips together "Octavia I know you're not happy, but the show must go on. and thankfully you know that" "I don't think that was a wish." Joanne says I seriously want to say shut up but I'm not

"Brady has been a decoy, he draws the focus somewhere else but now he's gone you can't rely on him or Octavia, when you watch them everyone forgets about you guys your nothing but back up dancers." Abby points it out "Our kids aren't back up dancers, you just said the exact same thing Joanne said about her kid a couple of weeks ago." Stacey says "Did you really, well that's a lie and stupid cause your kid is one of them." Abby laughs at Joanne not gonna lie Abby's laugh makes me want to. "Now onto the pyramid, you know what screw pyramid this week." my eyebrows furrow what the hell is going on.

"So I have 3 solos to give out. They will be GiaNina, Sarah and Octavia. But there's a catch Octavia since the mother's complaining about how I give you the most rehearsal time so you're going to learn it the day before competition." Abby says everyone is shocked, nodding. I enjoy having a challenge and Miss Abby knows that "Also the duet will also go to Octavia, it's Hip-hop and your partner is in studio b also Octavia won't be in the group dance because I want to see if you can win without her." 

"These girls have to show me that they can win without Octavia and Brady otherwise it's just sad. I know that Octavia loves a challenge she did it on the select team" Abby says 

"I'm actually happy that she is out of the dance so GiaNina has time to shine." Joanne says "It's always Octavia this Octavia that and I know I'm going to beat Octavia in the solo she has to wait last minute for it." GiaNina says cocky 

"I'm always up for a challenge there are times where I wish Abby would stop comparing the girls to brady an I even though he's not here anymore it still happens." I say with a sad smile 

"I know that Octavia's is a last minute dance its going to give us more time to perfect it." Sarah says  "Octavia is a amazing dancer, I've saw her nod her head when Abby said that so she must love a challenge." Michelle says 

Walking into Studio B I squeal when I see Chase. He's one of the best hip-hop dancers in the ALDC "Morning guys." "Morning girly alrighty then." Matt rubs his hands like he's on crack "So as you know it's hip-hop Octavia it's called the puppet and the puppet master, this isn't the normal hip-hop there's going to be strong and hard hitting Isolations in this routine, we are going to have to work extremely hard on those." we nod our heads

"Enough of that so I bought this spinney thingy me bob Octavia I want you to stand on it but hunched and one foot off we have a sheet that's going to be on top of you, now Chase you have to walk on the beat otherwise it won't work hold your hands out like your grabbing something good now when that noise comes I want it make it as your tuning something at them time Octavia come up remember isolation. Good now walk up to her and press the button to make her spin and examine her by walking around her well."


Last week was horrendous for me. I hated it so much so I took a week off from here and I'm glad I did it. "So how's Octavia doing after Brady left." Erin asked "Well she was a mess they had been inseparable and this her first boyfriend so but they're doing long distance." sipping my tea "Joanne how are you feeling about GiaNina doing a snookie solo. she's gonna need to be extra cause she most definitely is." Stacey asked as we're watching her learn her solo.

"I just don't understand why Abby can't give her mature dances like Octavia. It's like she sees her as a joke." Joanne says "I'm excited for Sarah's solo; she hasn't had one yet." Michelle says "I'm excited to see it as well." I say smiling at Michelle. "Aphrodite, are you worried about Octavia only learning it a day before the competition?" Ann asks "No I know she can do it, she enjoys having a challenge, I also want to see her and Lilly have a duet they haven't done in ages." I say Stacey agrees with me

"I wanna see what they're doing ." I walk to the other side and the moms follow me "Wow that's crazy." Joanne says "That's my girl." I say we sit down "Good luck to whoever's competing against them." Erin says "Yep there goners. If we had a duet that was up against that there would be no chance" Michelle says

"Does anybody find this group dance disturbing and morbid cause I know my kid isn't even in it." I say "yes." "same." "Do you think there's going to be a casket?" Erin said "don't jinx it Erin." Stacey says  "God I hope not, I'm hoping this concept will get to the judges otherwise we're screwed." Ann says  

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