Tribute to the haka

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Octavia's (P.O.V)

"Morning mum." "morning alright lets go I've got your tea and my tea do you have your dance bag?" mom asks" yes i do it's already in the car lets go you snail." " hahaha your very funny I'm going to remember that. What do you think is going to happen today at pyramid?" " I think there's going to be a massive blow out between them other moms and Abby about the dances last week especially Stacey because of the acro dance that lily did." " I do to I agree with Stacey lily is no longer 7 she shouldn't be doing cute dances, but if Joanne starts on you I'm gonna throw some hands." making the punching jesters while driving we laugh.

Walking into the studio I can feel how tense it is, going into pyramid I had my black aldc hoodie on top of my clothes once were all lined up Abby comes rolling in stopping in front of us i could tell that the other were nervous about what she has to say "We won, you guys may have had the highest scoring junior group. but it wasn't an aldc performance it was a mess. lets start"


brady Gianina 

Sarah  savannah lily Presley Hannah   

" lets start with the trios where to start. they both were a mess! 3rd place! that's not acceptable we don't do 3rd place i would rather not have it placed." Abby went off " I'm sorry we can do better next time i was the lead." lily apologised " it was a clown dance it was ridiculous i knew threw the entire week it wasn't going to win!" i cringed when Stacey said that 

 "this is her 3rd season dancing with you she deserves to have something beautiful and happy but no it's that cute acro shit, she should be lucky to have on the team." she just swore "this was supposed to be a fresh start." Ashely got involved " for you guys yes but not for lily and Octavia ." my eyes widen why was i brought into this " it's supposed to be a fresh start for all of us just because they've done this before doesn't mean they're better." Ashley again I'm just zoning out at this point " Enough Octavia, lily do we deserve things or earn things?" " we earn them." " good now lets start."

 "At the bottom we have Hannah you we ok in the group dance but you we consistently late on everything in trio! Presley you just blended in the group, lily i don't need to tell you, savannah you were just there nothing really special Sarah you and your mom gave me no trouble what so ever. Second row we have Gianina you won the trio and did well but where was the emotion in both dances Brady you were great you did the corrections my eyes went to you and Octavia in the group you pulled it off and on top of the pyramid is Octavia! you were fantastic you won the whole competition and only 2 points from a perfect score on pointe!." everyone clapped i couldn't help but blush at the comments "Now were traveling to Wilmington Ohio" groaning in annoyance "were attending the dream maker competition there's a few people i like but one that i hate with a burning passion lets hope she's not there if she is ill run her over." 

mom groans as well knowing how much she hates Cathy" now the assignments there's 3 solos and 1 duet, is going to lily, savannah and Octavia your dance is a contemporary it's entitled bruises  the duet  is going to brady and Octavia i want to see how you too dance together and it called gold you'll be using rope." everyone clapped at the assignment's  taking my jumper off giving it mom "moms go girls and boy spread apart."


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"I'm excited to be dancing with Octavia she's a great dance and every duet she been in it's always won but there's going to be pressure on me ." brady says in excitement 

" i know brady is a great dancer he needs to keep up with her otherwise it will go kaput and we can't afford that." Abby says

Aphrodite (P.O.V)

"So how was your first pyramid?" "it was intense is it always that way?" Ann asked "yes." Stacey and i replied "Tricia and Aphrodite are you guy excited for the duet?" Michelle aske " yes of course i know there's going to be a bit of pressure on brady to keep up with Octavia." Tricia says "why is it because every duet she's had they've won i know brady will be able to keep up Tricia." I'm  reassuring Tricia.

 "i think gia would be a better fit for the duet." Joanne says "look Joanne i don't understand what your issue is with my kid but kindly shut up." i try to keep it classy i put my hand next to Stacey giving me a high five. "Brady make sure your sleeves are pushed up way up so you don't slide because we don't need a  broken neck i have plans for dinner Spacing! Brady get your leg higher come on point your left foot Hannah! put you butt down!" Abby yells

 " not good enough if you were coming to battle with me I'd be like i got this because this was lame you guys realise that nobody has a jacket anybody could go home Sunday this is a tribute to the haka don't make a mockery of it. leave so i can work on savannahs, then the duet."  

Octavia p.o.v 

"Brady, Octavia Abby wants you guys." savannah came in to get us. "Brady, Octavia so your duet is called gold as i said before you will be using a rope so lets start entering from stage right brady i want you to have the rope over your shoulder Octavia rap your end of the rope around you hand lay down start walking and pulling for 16 counts so you get the effect of dragging her, nice now Octavia get up and unravel the rope from your hand and try to run beautiful." 15 minutes later

 "Octavia I want to have your hand to grasp the rope because we're going to have it around your neck so we don't strangle you beautiful guys alright well clean this tomorrow. Brady there's gonna be a lot of pressure on you we need to keep her streak going also brady you can't be afraid to be a little rough and to grab her hold her close in parts. brady your dismissed Octavia stay here for a minute wave your mom down." waving mom down and she understands the assignment coming down "hey Abby what's up?" "i want her here earlier than everyone else so we can work on her solo and perfect it. i want her to win she's my golden girl okay i will see you bright and early the both of you and Aphrodite I want you to sit in on the solo."      

" I cant help but want Octavia to win i don't care she's my golden girl so i have to bring her in earlier so then be it and i know I've never seen savannah dance a solo so i need someone that can bring home a win and that's Octavia." Abby says

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