Day 2/3 and competition

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Brady p.o.v

When I stayed over at Octavius place last night, I didn't realise how much it had been hurting, and it broke my heart. Seeing her in tears as her boyfriend I felt like I failed protecting her from the other girls. I don't understand what Hannah's issue is but she needs to move on. Being so deep in thought I didn't realise that she's awake.

 "Morning brady." "Morning babe." I say giving her a kiss "What are you thinking about I can smell your brain cooking?" she asks with a head tilt that's just so fucking cute " I can't believe everything that's just happened me going home and the treatment of the girls towards you I feel like I failed as a boyfriend." 

looking down playing with my fingers Octavia grabs my face "Look me in the eyes brady. you didn't fail me okay yes excuse my language it fucking sucks that those girls treat me like that but I could give zero fucks about them. okay now lets get ready for dance mom is dropping us off she doesn't want to go today." she says while giving me a kiss and hugging me 

Octavia's p.o.v

Walking hand and hand with brady into the studio I see Abby at the front desk "Morning miss Abby." Giving her a hug "Hey guys I want to work on the duet first put your stuff down and go into studio A since the competition tomorrow." we nod our heads going into the den I noticed that we're the first ones here so might as well use this time as an advantage. "Alright your dance is called Caravel." She claps her hands "start of centre stage Brady in front, now Octavia jump on his back, drop push him down follow him a second later" she instructs 

"Drag him across the floor to stage left, use your hands to direct his head. yes now push it down." following her instructions " now we are going to do a lift Octavia turn to him have your arms up by your ears, brady lock your arms around her waist flip her upside down. beautiful place her down gently so she's doing a head stand. Octavia do a weird movement with your legs so he can jump through them"

    "this is the tricky part hold each others now don't let go, good forward roll, pull away from each other I hope your not uncomfortable even though you've kissed on stage  now  I want you to kiss each other now brady she's going to twist don't lose each others lip touch, direct her hold her back and jump beautiful." she says smiling 

"Now crawl backwards to stage right into the wings perfect. good job guys now lets go through it with the music, Point those feet Octavia. careful brady don't drop her emotion guys. don't let go of those hands hold them tight, arch those backs breath guys. listen to the beat Octavia move those hips when sway."

"The chemistry those two have is undeniable, it's what I like to call true love." Abby says with a smile "It's so content working with brady and Octavia, when they make a mistake they immediately correct it." Gianna says

"I'm enjoying mine and Octavia's duet." brady says "That's because you get to kiss your girlfriend even though you guys do it a lot your inseparable" Tricia says as brady blushes

"I really do enjoy having mature dances, it makes everything so real. Dancing with brady makes everything easier I also really like this dance as well." I say "You just get to kiss your boyfriend anyway." Mom says while I blush hard.

Tricia p.o.v

Going up in mommy jail I noticed that Aphrodite isn't here, looking down in the studio I watch Octavia and Brady dance together for the last time, I know it's true love between those two from the moment their eyes hit each other. "Oh would you look at that Brady and Octavia are learning there duet, before any of the solo's." Joanne says at this point I'm trying to block her out it's your guys fault for pushing Aphrodite hard she broke

"Who do you think is going to win this weekend Tricia?" I know this is a trick question. "Well none of them have learnt their solos yet, so don't try me Joanne." I say rolling my eyes even though it's going to be brady "In my honest opinion brady is the stronger dancer out of the 3." Stacey says " Don't take this personal Tricia but I think it's going to be gia." Ashely says 

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