New York Part 1

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Octavia p.o.v 

Last night Brady and I stayed back longer then expected to finish not only the senior group dance but to perfect our duet for New York. So here we are once again early this morning to learn our duet for here in Pittsburgh, I'm standing next to brady rubbing my eyes as we get into the den "You okay?" Brady asks "Yeah just a bit tired, you?" I ask him "Same here babe it's going to be a long day." "that it is my love."  after we finished stretching Abby rolls into the room. 

"Morning guys." Abby says "Morning." Brady and I say "Since we are doing Horror week your dance is called 'Toxic' this is going to take place in a mental asylum where brady your the patient and Octavia your the nurse but this dance is going to all be in Brady's head this is a lot of acting so lets get started."

"Brady take that chair sit on it, Octavia i want you to crouch down behind him start acting all twitchy look up at the crowd spread your legs, right hand on your face try and force it down good. Octavia stand up behind him run your right hand down his chest brady grab her hand sharp turn to the left and lean back, Octavia push him off the chair turn and sit down brady i want you to crawl backwards stare at each other good." Abby says 

Brady p.o.v 

  "Brady i want you to crouch on top of her grab her by the waist slowly lift her, Octavia relax your back so it arches more." I felt Octavia's back crack  causing me to drop her "Oh my god I'm sorry." I tell her "you okay sweets?" Abby asked her "Yeah I'm sorry that was my fault." "It's okay what happened?" Abby asked " He felt my back crack and it scared him." Abby laughs "I probably dropped her as well if i felt that." Abby says causing us to laugh "Alright lets go again. before you dropped her once she up her back  faces the crowd and snap her neck." 5 minutes later

"Put your heads together do shoulder movements from side to side Octavia you walking backwards then push him back in front of the chair  grab his right arm push it up and down, brady spin her tilt her head to the left Octavia stick your left arm out now brady your going to run your tongue down her arm." Abby say "Your lucky i love you brady enough to lick my arm." Octavia say as i do it "you taste like lavender." I asks "Yes of course i do it's my body wash." Octavia says "Yeah i know it is." I say it low enough so the cameras doesn't pick it up

" We are going to attempt the star movement, lets practice it before we move on Brady both hands on her waist and host her up on 8 i want you to lift her." I nod at Abby "5, 6, 7, 8 and up hold it brady hold it Octavia straighten your legs hold his shoulders good now place her down on the ground softly. lets practice that a couple of more times it needs to be perfect."  After practicing it a couple times we finished our duet "Alright brady Octavia ready?" Abby asks we both nod our heads  

"Straighten those legs Octavia. relax that back, be careful brady don't drop her, point those toes facial expressions guys. Good maybe for the very last part Octavia i want you to claw at his chest." Abby says  Octavia nods "Alright, go get a drink and toilet then come straight back in to practice the New York duet for you Octavia to learn your solo." Walking out of the studio we both sit down drinking our water "I'm tired." Octavia says "I know baby me too, maybe we can go for a nap a bit later." I say giving her a hug giving her a kiss on the top of her head. we both leave the den to got to the bathroom.  

 "Brady and Octavia are really stepping up to the plate, they are definitely Abby lee dance company dancers. Those two never fail to amaze me." Abby says to the camera with a smile 

"It's easy to work with them, and this week they're traveling to New York and back is just crazy but they know they can do it." Gianna says 

"When Abby told us there's going to be scouts there my brain was like what the flip." Octavia says with a smile "Hopefully you'll  both get scouted as well  i can't see why not." Aphrodite says 

"There's going to be scouts at this competition, my eyes nearly fell out of my head when Octavia and I were told about it." I say "When brady told me about it I almost fainted so fingers cross they get scouted." mom says smiling  

Octavia p.o.v

"Now Octavia for your solo you'll be doing Maddie's old solo Lizzy Borden. You were there learning it as well for back up do you remember it?" I nod my head " I want to see how much you remember. starting position." I cross my legs for the start and begin dancing once i finished Abby, Gianna and brady were clapping "Was that good?" I question "That was great Octavia i cant believe that you remember it all, there's only a few thing i caught but it was only minor that we can fix." Abby says I nod 

"Just one of the turns you fell out of, the over split remember to point you toes a lot more, any movements with the head need to be bigger  and try to have an evil glint in your eye but over all that was perfect." Abby says   "Lets do this a couple of times then the New York duet." What we didn't know was the team had been here for a while.

"We literally have been here for an hour and all Abby is doing is spending time with Octavia and brady it's happening all over again." GiaNina says with her arms crossed "Abby needs to realise that there's other kids on this team it isn't just Brady and Octavia." Joanne scoffs 

"When dancing you lose track of time." I say "You can't help it Octavia yours's and brady were more important this week." Mom says 

"oops." Abby says shrugging her shoulders

Starting  our dance the door opened and we see Joanne "Abby our girls have been here for more than an hour. Stop working on them it's not the Brady and Octavia show there is the other girls." Joanne complains as brady and I continue dancing "They are more important Joanne! Those girls can wait, if you continue this GiaNina won't be dancing now get out!" Abby yells "Alright one last time so the moms will stop talking." once in our final position both Abby and gia clap "That was perfect guys now go get the girls." Abby instructs 

"The way they both handled Joanne and her tantrum shows that they are real performers ignoring what's happening around them and continuing the job." Abby says smiling proudly.

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