Chapter 12

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If it's in bold it's a POV, or a group chat text!
enjoy reading!!

BEEP BEEP! It was 12:01am and Tyler jumped up from his hospital bed.
'SHIT! That was the worst spot to be left at.'
Tyler yelled, then calmed himself down. He sighed and picked up his phone from the bedside table.

                             phantom busters

Tyler: Are you guys good?
Taylor: Yup
Wait why are you up
Aiden: Yeah why are you up it's 12am
Tyler: I was literally in the phantom world too??
Aiden: WHATT
Logan: That makes sense since he's awake from his coma now
Tyler: ^
Ashlyn: go bakc to sleep
Aiden: Ok I'll go bakc to sleep
Tyler: Why is the gc name phantom busters
Aiden: Ima change it to smth else

                   Aiden named the conversation
                         "DEREK HATERS!!!"

Ashlyn: Why are we so against Derek what did he do
Aiden: He gave you guys cupcakes instead of me giving you cupcakes
Tyler: He's a player
Sent at the same time

Taylor: So we aren't going to question why my brother has been in the phantom world THIS WHOLE TIME?
Also Derek isn't that bad you guys seem dramatic
Aiden: See your brother understands
Derek seems suspicious
Tyler: Just say my name
Why you gotta say "my brother" or "your brother"
Taylor: because ur my brother, deal with it.
Ben: Tyler why are you in the phantom world
Tyler: Probably from me not being in the coma anymore like Logan said
Ben: Oh okay
Aiden: If your in the phantom world, where tf are you 🤨
Tyler: The hospital dumbass
Tyler: It's common sense
Logan: Not rlly, how would we know where you are when we saw your ass tumble out that car into the woods 💀
Aiden: FOUL
Taylor: LMAOO
Tyler: Too soon dude
It seriously wasn't funny
It hurt like a bitch
Aiden: What happened to make it hurt sm
Ashlyn: Bruh he rolled out the car and hit several rocks
Tyler: Stfu
But rlly I fell down a cliff and this big ass tree went through my back 😐
Tyler: I survived tho
Ashlyn: Idc go to bed you've been talking for 15 minutes all of you
Tyler: You just texted twice like 4 minutes ago
Aiden: We have not been talking that long boo boo bear
Ashlyn: Wtf
Taylor: omg what
Ben: 😨
Ashlyn: Just shut your asses up and go to bed im tired
And Aiden never say that again
Aiden: Okay boo boo bear
Taylor: when I thought the flirting would start I thought it would have started cuter.
Logan: Fr
All read at 12:14am


. . .

Later on, around at school during 2nd period, Ashlyn was sitting in her seat in class on her computer. Typing on her computer, a dark shadow walked up to her desk then tapping on her shoulder.
'Are those earbuds?' Derek asked.
'Oh, no they aren't. I have sensitive hearing so I wear earplugs.' Ashlyn responded.
'Could I check them out?' Derek said, as he sat down at the desk next to hers then reaching out his hand for her to give him the earplugs.
Ashlyn took one out and placed it in the palm of his hand. He carefully picked it up out of his hands and looked at it closely.
'These are neat, I might get some. My friends are pretty annoying themselves.' Derek laughed, then Ashlyn smiled.
'But instead of wasting your money buying some, I think I have extra pair.' Ash told him.
'Really? Could I have them?' Derek's face lit up.
'Sure, I don't need them anyways. I have some old pairs I haven't used because I've been saving them incase I lost my main pair. So you can pick which one.' Ashlyn suggested.
'Thanks! Do you have them with you today?' Derek asked.
'In my locker, wanna come by after class?' Ash asked.
Derek nodded multiple times in excitement and Ash laughed. They continued to talk until the bell rang and they walked out of class together to Ashlyn's locker.

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