Chapter 10

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If it's in bold it's a POV.
before reading this chapter, make sure you've read the new edited part of chapter 9. thank you!
enjoy reading!!

It was now Tuesday morning and everyone was just now walking into school.
'Hey ash!' Aiden yelled down the hallway, trying to catch up to her.
'Oh, hey.' Ashlyn spoke bluntly.
Aiden thought, *She must be tired from last night. I'll brighten her mood.*
'So, what's going on? How you doing?' Aiden trying to start a conversation.
'I'm fine.' Ashlyn wasn't trying to continue it though.
Aiden stopped as Ashlyn continued down the hallway to her locker,making a unsurprised face, then turning the corner to his locker with Ben following. They both had their lockers next to each-other because of last name, so it was easier. As they opened their lockers and placed their stuff in a special someone came walking by.
'Morning, Ben!' Taylor said, as she walked by their locker. She waved and revived a warm smile from Ben.
She walked down the hall to give Ashlyn a tight squeeze, which Ash wasn't happy about for 7:30 in the morning.
Aiden turned to Ben giving him a smirk. 'What's going on with you and her?' As he pointed his shoulder to Taylor's way.
Ben pulled out a random piece of paper in his locker and wrote on it, 'Wdym? Me and Taylor have nothing going on.' Ben wrote.
Aiden yawned at the note, 'Boring. You sure? You seem prettyy close..'
Ben nodded then continued to take stuff out his locker but caught himself staring at the back of his locker thinking about Taylor.
'Haha, you thinking about it?' Aiden spoke, as he looked at Ben seeming concentrated about the subject.
Ben shook his head then looked away.

(During Ben and Aidens conversation)

'Hey! It's early in the morning and your already stoked?' Ashlyn said, trying to grip onto Taylor's arms wrapped around her, taking them off.
'Mhm! Today in science, our class is doing that cute cook off! Mr. Klous is picking 4 people to be in duos and compete! Not gunna lie, I wanna get picked for the fun of it. And what's good is that we are all in the same class!' Taylor kept going on and on about science class but Ashlyn started to get worried.
'I didn't hear about this? Maybe because I was sleeping the whole class yesterday.' Ashlyn spoke.
'Oh well! We'll have to see for ourselves.' Taylor jumped.
Ashlyn spotted Logan coming down the hall then pointed, and Taylor called Logan to come over and they all walked to first period together to meet Aiden and Ben at the door.
'Ready for hell?' Aiden spoke.
'Yea, let's get this day over with.' Logan groaned.
Everyone walked in suddenly super tired which got Mr. Thomas's concern.
*Do they not sleep at all?*

                               .           .           .

Science came soon came and everyone sat into their seats.
'Okay class, are we ready to start voting students for the cook off?'
Everyone nodded and was given tiny pieces of paper to write who they'd like to vote for the cook off. The 4 people with the most votes would split in half into duos and have to cook together.
Aiden turned around in his seat and told everyone in the group something.
'Hey!! Vote me, I wanna bake some cupcakes!'
Everyone agreed and wrote his name down, including Aiden voting for himself.
Everyone then handed in the small tickets of paper and the teacher collected them.
'Alright! Let's see our 4 contestants. —— Aiden.'
Aiden did a silent "Yes!", turning his hand into a fist for the satisfaction of getting picked.
'Then we have.. Barron, then Derek.' Mr Klous shouted to the class.
(derek is a made up dude from the baseball team with barron)
They both high fived eachother and stood in the front along with Aiden.
'Lastly we have.. Logan!'
Logan's eyes opened wide. *What the hell? Who picked me?* ——— The room got silent and Logan made a small inference to his surroundings and how it's happened as he walked up and everyone's eyes were on him.
*It was definitely Barron and his stupid friends. Cant believe basically the whole baseball team is in the class and they could all evenly vote to pick Barron, Derek and me. Definitely to make fun of me.*
Logan readjusted his glasses, feeling nervous but he felt more confident against Barron then he did before. He beat him up before, it was no biggie to cook with the fool.
'I'll pick teams. Hmm.. Aiden with..—— Derek. And Barron and Logan.'
'But Mr. Klous! I can't be paired up with four eyes over here. This guy will mess me up!' Barron yelled.
'Yeah! This blond idiot will mess me up too.' Derek said, staring at Aiden.
'Too bad! I make the rules!' Mr Klous stated.
The contestants groaned at the partners and let the teacher say the rules.
'Okay, so to make this more fun to the audience and less awkward, I'll split this into parts with shortened time. You get 8 minutes to do each step. First step, taking the cupcake mix out the box and transferring it into a bowl, with the rest of the ingredients needed and preheating the BORROWED ovens. These ovens are from upstairs, so they aren't mine. Then step two, Mixing the ingredients together, spraying the pans and pouring it in. We will put them into the oven after the timer for step two. Then after, we will wait 15 minutes for the cupcakes, while we wait you will color the icing to your needs and put it into a small piping bag. When done, we will all just have sometime to chill, and I don't know, uhh—— while your classmates are cooking, I'll give you guys a word search if you get bored.  Step four, Once the cupcakes are cooled down after taking them out, you will decorate them and the rest of the class will vote based on looks and taste!' 
'Does that sound good?' He spoke excitedly.
Everyone nodded and it was time to start cooking!

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