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Rhys's pov
I was doing a better job than I thought I would at being a spy but I have been questioned a couple times on why I came back at nightfall when I left for my walk in the afternoon, I had a good cover up story which was I lost track of time, not very original but it'll work.

(Seriously Rhys out of everything u have in that big brain of yours you come up with that)

Kitty also mentioned that Lila was a liar so I've been trying to find out a way to expose her lies but I'm not sure what shes even lying about.

(Anything she can really)

"Hey Rhys I need to tell you something!" Lila said, running up to me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well back in Paris I used to be a hero named Volpina." Lila said.

I feel like shes lying.

"Do you have any proof?" I asked.

"Yes. My grandmother gave me this necklace when I was a child. It allows me to transform into Volpina, I didn't realize it then but I do now." Lila said.

"Show me the transformation then." I said.

"Well the thing is it won't let me transform unless I'm in Paris." Lila said.

"Why did you leave Paris?" I asked.

"Because I wanted too." Lila said.

"A true queen would never leave her kingdom behind." I said.

"Who cares. They can all rot in hell for all I care." Lila said.

(Lila your true colours are showing 😊)

"Your not a queen." I said.

"Yes I am." Lila said.

"A queen would never abandon where they live." I said.

"Well even if you don't believe me the others will." Lila said.

Lila just stormed out of the room we were in.

Kitty was right.

(Of course I am!)

Lila is a liar and the other knights are just believing her which means that she can get whatever she wants.

She needs to be stopped.

331 words

Hope you enjoyed!
Bye Kittens <3

A villain made [Rewrite] (+me, @Krystal_Glitchgirl and @harmonyheart537)Where stories live. Discover now