Confession #2

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Kitty's pov
I was busy getting all my things ready for when we attack and hopefully we can knock Acsh off his throne.

"Hey Kitty, what awe you doing?" Ria asked.

"Packing." I said.

"Don't leave!" Ria said.

Aww her face looks so cute right now.

"I'm not leaving, some of us are just going to go on a vacation for a few days and Rhys is going to come here and keep you company while we're gone." I said.

"Okie. Also Noi told me to tell you that he has something to tell you." Ria said.

"Okie where is he?" I asked.

"He's in his woom with Malak." Ria said.

"Okie well tell him that I'll be there in a bit." I told Ria.

"Okie!" Ria said. "Also before I go, what do you think of Noi?"

I blushed red, since when did she find out that I have feelings for Noi, shes just a kid!

"Well I think is very sweet and kind and is a very good friend to me and I'm glad that him and Malak found each other." I said.

Before I could question Ria on why she asked that she ran out of my room, that girl always has so much energy, tho I wonder what Noi wants to talk about.

Noi's pov
"But what if she only sees me as a friend or doesn't like polyamory relationships?!" I asked in my panicked state.

(Okie Noi I could get if your nervous about this but why are you panicked about this? 🤨)

"It'll be fine Noi, like she said before shes fine with you dating me and from how she acted when I kissed you on the cheek to get you out of that trance she seems to like you more than a friend." Malak said.

(Great observation Malak!)

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"When I kissed you on the cheek she got jealous." Malak said.

"But when we were living at the palace she always complained to me about how much she wanted to have a boyfriend." I said.

(Noi's giving me Adrian vibes rn ✨✨✨)

"Maybe she was hinting to you that she likes you." Malak said.

(Thank you Malak)

"But what if she wasn't." I said.

Before Malak could say anything else Ria came back.

"Kitty said she would be hewe soon." Ria said. "Oh and by the way when I asked hew about you she blushed wed stwaight away."

Ria left the room.

(Okie how did she learn all this shes just a kid!)

"Okie Noi I don't care what you say to me now but if Kitty blushed red immediatly after Ria asked her about you then she must like you. Just stay calm and be yourself." Malak said.

"Stay calm and be himself for what?" Kitty's voice asked.

I looked and Kitty was standing in the doorway, I invited her in and she sat on my bed like me and Malak.

I took a deep breath.

"Okie Kitty I need to tell you something that I've been wanting to tell you for a really long time." I said.

Kitty nodded motioning me to continue.

"I need to tell you that. I'm also polyamorus and I've liked you for a long time even longer than Malak and I just needed to ask will you be my girlfriend?" Noi asked.

I had closed my eyes for the whole of that speech because I was too afraid to see her facial expression to that speech, but slowly I opened my eyes to see her staring back at me, her cheeks red and a smile on her face.

"I've liked you for a while too Noi and I'd be delighted to be your girlfriend." Kitty said.

I felt myself blush as well.

Then Kitty came over and hugged me, probably to shy to do anything else.

"Yay a happy ending." Malak said.

We both chuckled. "Not until we beat Asch." Kitty said.

"Oh please of course we can beat him." I said.

"Excatly. Cause we have friendship and teamwork on our side, he just has power and revenge on his side." Kitty said.

"Can I atleast join the hug?" Malak whined.

"Of course you can bestie!" Kitty said.

Malak joined us in the hug which lasted for more than a few minutes.

720 words

Hope you enjoyed!
Bye Kittens <3

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