Chapter Fifty-Three: Surprises Come Plenty!

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The tiny fluff of jet black hair on her baby girl brushed against my arm, her big emerald eyes gazing lovingly up at me. Playing with her fluffy white snow suit, my niece was adorable. Latia smiled softly to herself, an anxious Grayson hovered by Hudsy. Flynn cooing in Hudsy's arms sent a wave of joy through me, my heart skipping a beat. Running his shaking hands through his messing hair, Hudsy nudged his shoulder to let him know that he was going to be okay. Tugging on the hem of my pale blue baby doll dress, Latia didn't know about my pregnancy yet. Fighting intense nausea, I passed Lacy Evie Smit into her arms. What was with everybody giving them my name for their damn middle name? Excusing myself, Death waited outside with an empty bucket. My breakfast flew up my throat, my eyes falling on my fellow reaper gem holders. Wiping the corner of my mouth, my fingers played with my dagger. My heart fluttered at the sight of him in his black and white pinstripe suit. Setting the bucket aside, he passed me a piece of sugared ginger. Swallowing it down my throat, it quelled the nausea for now.

"We found another gem holder." He informed me briskly, ruffling my hair. "The only bad part is that they are being held in a warehouse by some rogue hunters." Hudsy stepped out, his car keys in his hands. His face fell at Death and my fellow warriors, a defeated sigh escaping his lips. Kissing the top of my head, my lips kissed Flynn's forehead. Whistling sharply, Grappy appeared in the hall. Waving to Shappy, their crooked grins reminded me that they were brothers. Noting their matching onyx armor, it looked light but durable. Shoving a matching outfit into my arms, Hudsy breathed a sigh of relief. Wandering into the bathroom, I peeled off my dress. Tugging on the sleek armor, it graced my curves with ease. The leggings hugged my toned legs, my boots matching the armor beautifully. Stepping out of the bathroom, Hudsy pinned me to the wall.

"Can I leave you with this?" He inquired, kissing me sensually. "Since I can't stop you, come back in one piece. Do you guys understand? You will be severely punished if you don't bring her back in one piece." They all shrank back, feeling his Alpha energy dwarf the room." Still stunned by his kiss, a goofy grin twitched on my lips. Groans echoed behind us, my fingers curling around the color of his light blue t-shirt. Pulling him close to my face, my lips pressed against his hungrily. Refusing to let him go, my tongue danced in his mouth. Releasing him from my spell, a stunned Hudsy slapped my ass. Curse him for his sexiness, my inner wolf begged for me to take him right there. Ignore that for now, I growled at her. Her whine echoed in my ears, my eyes rolling.

"I am leaving that as a promise to come back." I promised lovingly, pecking him on the lips. "See you at home. We will be having my dad over. He probably wants to spend some time with his grandson." Death held back tears, my elbow hooking around his. Snapping his fingers, a red door opened up in front of us. The hinges creaked in protest, the door swinging open. The lot of us stepped through, snow crunching underneath our boots. Hiding behind a row of trees, a dozen hunters patrolled a run down cabin. Sniffing the air, none of them were human but husks of monsters. This was the same magic from before, my heart sinking. Those poor monsters didn't deserve any of this, our lips pressing into a thin line. Turning to Saphy, a quiet rage burned in his eyes, my eyes falling on the sapphire side of his face. Something seemed off, my heart breaking for him. 

"I need you to be the sniper." I explained calmly, his head nodding once. "Get far enough away so they can't shoot you down." Leaping into the trees, we needed a distraction. Garnet twitched with excitement,his hand running through his hair. His hand stuck out of his glove, my old man standing back for a moment. Understandably he couldn't enter the fight. His job would be to have his reapers gather the lost souls if any were left. Turning towards Garnet and Shappy, an idea flashed in my head. A wicked grin danced across my lips, the two were ready to fight.

"Want to create chaos?" I offered with raised brows, their grins growing wider. "Have fun. Clear a path for the rest of us." Leaping out of their bushes, chaos unfolded in front of us. Pearl clutched to my leg, her teeth chewing on her bottom lips. Tying her hair into a ponytail, I crouched down to her level. Gazing warmly into her eyes, my hands cupped her.

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