Chapter Fifty-Two: Deadly Good Secrets

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Dropping my cell phone, Latia bounced up to me. Grappy slid down the railing, a wide grin on his face. Tears stained my cheeks, no words coming to mind. Evie was alive, my inner wolf begging for me to go get her. Sinking to my knees, a mixture of emotions showed on my face. Glancing up at everybody, my hands cupped my mouth.

"Evie's alive!" I stammered with wet eyes, the corner of lip twitching. "Evie's alive. I am not sure how but she's alive. My mate is alive. I am so happy I could die. We have to go now." Popping up to my feet, Grappy already held three overnight bags. Tossing me my car keys, my shaking hands cupping them like my life depended on it. Running out to my car, the door couldn't open fast enough. Grappy took the keys from me, realizing that I was in no condition to drive. Crashing into the passenger's seat, he adjusted the driver's seat. Dressed in a scarlet velvet suit, he tugged on a pair of leather gloves. Adjusting my heavy brown winter coat, he said nothing as he drove south. Long hours passed, the sun becoming the moon. Never stopping allowed us to come to a blown up burger joint. Getting out, the humidity got to me. Peeling off my coat, my band t-shirt clung to my skin. Several burnt remains lay around, a shaking woman coming out from the metal cabinets. Scanning her name tag, the name Nellie greeted me. A yellow rose spun in her palm, pieces of silvery hair fell in front of her face. Her horrified eyes watched me run my hands through my ash gray hair. The stress had wiped away any color, my old man basically looking back at me.

"Where did my wife go?" I asked gently, Grappy pacing back and forth behind me. "She has white hair and mismatched eyes." Pointing towards the words, hunters in black Italian suits lined the ground. A trail of ice gave away her path, Grappy already by my side. A snowflake touched the top of my hand, a blizzard soon whirling around us. Marching forward, a weakened Evie fought off ten hunters, bruises and cuts dotted her skin. Spinning her scythe over her head, her scythe blocked all the bullets. Bouncing off her blade, they all dropped forward. Sinking to her knees, an ivory tip stuck out of her left arm. Jamming it back into place, a bright light fused the shards together. Leaping to her feet, she ran towards me. Jumping into my arms, her lips kissed mine feverishly. My heart fluttered, her kisses growing more sensual. Feeling in between her legs, a familiar wetness caused my cock to stiffen. Grappy hung back, picking up the vibes.

"I need you so badly." She whispered lustfully, brushing her fangs along the nape of my neck. "I know I just came back from Hell but you need to trust me with this. We should get to a hotel or something so I can get all of this frustration out." Carrying her to the car, Grappy popped up next to me. Leaning into my ear, his explanation sent chills up my spine.

"I've heard that sexual hunger is a side effect from coming back from Hell. Who sent her back?" He pondered out loud, shoving his hands in his pockets. "The poor demon must not have wanted her. How peculiar?" Climbing into the back, her fingers walked over to my hard cock. Grappy plopped down in the driver's seat, her scythe shrinking back down to her dagger. Clipping it back onto her neck, her thighs rubbed together. Touching herself, a lustful groan poured from her lips. Watching her increased my desire to take her even if she looked like death warmed over. Hours passed like this, her skin burning hot. Crawling on top of my lap, her body rubbed against mine. A generic hotel sign flickered in the distance, the lust glinting in her eyes. Squealing to a halt, she watched as I left her in the car to check in. Coming back a few seconds later, a rosy pink painted her cheeks. Crawling over to me, it took every fiber of my being to not take her right then and there. Scooping her up, her palms rubbed against my exposed chest. Grappy carried our bags into the elevator, the rosy pink on her cheeks becoming a feverish glow. Making it into our room, Grappy leapt out the window to give us privacy. Scanning the olive walls, simple brown bedding complimented the down to Earth vibe. Laying her down, her quaking fingers undid all of the buttons. Rubbing my palms along her smooth skin, sensual moans poured from her lips. Fighting back tears, she was really here. Clutching her close to my chest, the fever wasn't going away. Sexual tension brewed in the air but I needed to hold her for a minute. Arching her body towards me, her lips grazed the nape of my neck. Pinning me down, a gruff groan escaped my lips the moment she yanked my pants down. Stroking my thick girth, a sense of euphoria washed over her. Taking all of me in, husky moans echoed in my ears. Tears flooded from my eyes, the mixed emotions confusing me. Focusing on the head, my body twitched with pleasure. Her scent made the moment that much sweeter, her loving gaze meeting my eyes. Crawling on top of me, her slender fingers wiped my tears away. Sitting on top of my face, her hips thrust with every suck on her swollen clit. Rubbing her thighs, her moans only got louder by the second. Damn! The sweet taste of strawberries only made me cry harder, the moment feeling so surreal. Jumping off, her ass wagged in my face.

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