Chapter Thirty-Three: A Cut Above the Rest

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Heading back to the table, random vampires fawned over us. Smiling warmly at them, I carried the conversation with ease. A distant look dimmed my eyes, this weekend was about Grappy and Bloodsworth. Playing with my food, Grappy wrapped around his arms around my shoulder, his chin resting on the top of my head. A sensation of peace washed over me, his presence relaxing me further. The death glare from Grappy sent them away, his sleeve tickling my face.

"I appreciate you just going along with everything. I am sorry about your hair. You must have loved the col-" He began sweetly, my hand raising. Flashing him my real smile, none of that mattered. In a sense I had felt free, the burden of my past a little less harder to bear. Cupping his hands, the twinkle in his eyes told me that this was the happiest he had ever been. Stealing me away from the party, his arm wrapped around my waist. Flying out the window, we landed gracefully on the roof. Motioning for me to sit, the two of us watched the party from a high point. Passing me an iced ginger tea, the ice clinked to the bottom. Condensation dripped down the side of the cup, his own hand nursing a cup of red wine. Fright lay beneath his kind eyes, a hiccup escaping his trembling lips.

"Are you scared about being accepted?" I queried softly, gazing up at the diamonds in the sky. "Or are you scared of being happy for once? I am scared to relax, often wondering if the next hour will bring me more pain if I let go of my anxiety." Resting his head on my shoulder, the quiet was a warm embrace for the two of us. Black bags hollowed out his eyes, his gentle snores echoing in my ear. Staying still, a gentle chuckle tumbled from my lips as I took his glass of wine. A drunken fever burned his cheeks, tossing him over my shoulder. Swinging into the resort, a seven foot vampire in a navy velvet tuxedo charged at us. A stunned look dawned on his face, the red wine staining his white shirt. Raising his growing claws near my face, my heel slammed into his chest. Crashing into the black marble wall of the hallway, he struggled to his feet. Tucking his hands into his pocket, a rival symbol glowed on his neck. Horror widened my eyes, his hand running through his shaggy blond hair. Red eyes glittered with excitement, setting Grappy down. Charging at me, a silver blade spun in his palm. Several masked figures gathered behind him, the wine drugged with the equivalent of Melatonin for an angel. Cursing to myself, my feet bounced off the walls. Screams erupted, my feet pounding back towards the party. A shocked cry burst from my lips, a silver blade quivering in my shoulder. Ignoring the burning sensation in my palm, my own blood splattered across my face as I ripped it out.

"Miss Evelyn, you don't disappoint." A cold male voice taunted cruelly, my hand tossing the silver blade aside. "You are stronger than you look. You are still weak without your bodyguard." Cold sweat dripped off my brow, my hand cupping my shoulder. He wasn't wrong, the energy field around the resort prevented any of my magic from working. The silver pumped through my veins, my vision blurring. Shifting around my boot, a silver antidote spun in my palm. Ripping off the cover, electrical pain jolted my body the moment I jammed the needle into my neck. Glass shattered on the floor, the empty needle crashing to my feet. There was no way these assholes would ruin my best friend's wedding, my direction changing towards the kitchen. The party went on as if nothing was happening, this was the way it needed to be. Kicking everyone out of the kitchen, my fingers wrapped around a silver pizza cutter. Climbing to the top of the humming silver fridges, my body trembled with a burning agony. Flipping off the top, black blood sprayed all over my face as several vampires fell prey to the pizza cutter in my hand. Small lines of blood dripped down their throats, the pizza cutter clattering to the ground.

"I refuse to let you fucking monster's ruin my best friend's wedding!" I shouted shrilly, pulling out an ancient vampire's dagger from my boots. "I have the last remaining blade that is able to kill you with one strike. Dead man's blood courses through this dagger, the very thing that is poison to your kind. Come at me with your finest silver, you fucking fools!" The wicked grin on my lips grew wider, my fingers wrapping around a steel tray. Several silver bullets indented the tray, my bad arm dangling limply. Holding the tray in my teeth, my feet crashed towards them. My speed proved unaffected, the wolf in me roaring to life. Using the dagger did come at a cost though, my left eye going red. The lot of them were blue blobs in a thermal camera view, the blood splattering the white black splash with each strike. Dodging every speck of silver, the vampires decayed to ash at my feet. Only the gang leader remained, cuts lining my arms. Cocking his gun in my direction, the trigger refused to move. Throwing the gun to the side, a wicked grin met mine. This eye was destroying my mind, my left kidney bursting. Coughing up blood, more of it poured from my nose. If this kept up, I was going to drain myself without his help. 

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