Together they trudged back through the garden and into the house, Theia grunting at the stiffness in her muscles. She'd never once trained, and Nyx was far more active than she was. He hardly seemed phased, even when he did his own training while Theia went through the motions he taught her. She clung to his bicep as they went through the house, her body slick with frozen sweat.

As they passed the sitting room, Nyx turned his head to the door. Theia noticed firelight and the soft hum of voices. Nyx tapped her hand and pressed a kiss to her hair.

"I'll meet you upstairs. Go bathe and I'll be there in a moment," he murmured. She nodded and slipped her hand from his arm. Theia watched him disappear in the doorway, another soft voice added to the hum. She wanted to listen, to know what was being said, but chose to follow his orders instead. Her legs screamed in agony as she climbed the steps, opting for the bathing chamber in the guest wing rather than Nyx's bedroom.

She didn't stop to grab a change of clothes, just hurried to the bathing chamber to sink into the hot water. Her legs felt numb, her arms weak. Theia decided then that she would never train with Nyx again. She turned the faucet on and stumbled to the shelf to choose a soap. Deciding on a spiced scent, she poured it into the water and watched the suds rise. Satisfied, Theia began to pull her sticky clothes off. She lowered herself into the water and used her foot to turn the rushing water off.

Theia brushed her hair back from her face and settled back, letting her wings soak in the water. She was grateful that the High Lord and High Lady opted for massive tubs, even in the guest wing. She dipped her head back, and then decided this bath would be for relaxing. She stretched her arm out to the small table beside the tub and grabbed a rolled towel, resting it on the edge and laying her head against it.

It wasn't long before Nyx came into the bathing chamber. Theia peeked through one eye, seeing him undoing the button on his pants. At that, she opened both her eyes and sat up, watching him closely. Nyx chuckled, shoving his pants down. He'd already taken his boots off at some point. Theia watched in awe as he walked over towards the vanity, poking at several jars of soap for his hair. She bit her lip, eyes set on his defined rear.

Nyx chose his preferred scent and strode to the tub, lifting a brow at Theia as he stepped in. He sat on the opposite end, watching her as he reached across to grab a glass from the small table. He poured water over his head, and then began to lather soap into his hands.

"Wait," Theia spoke quickly, pushing off from the edge of the tub. She crawled over his lap and settled herself on his thighs. Nyx dropped his hands to her hips, watching her with a lazy smile as Theia brought her hands to his hair. She grinned at him as she began massaging the soap in, twisting her fingers in the strands, running her nails along his scalp. His eyes fluttered shut, a soft groan escaping his lips.

Theia bit down on her lip to hide her widening smile, bringing the suds down to the growing beard on his cheeks and jaw. She loved how he looked with the dark hair along his face, to the point where she would beg him to leave it be if Nyx chose to shave. He seemed to notice how much she enjoyed it, because he had only shaved to sharpen the edges of the hairline. He hasn't cut his hair in a long while either, the dark strands beginning to curl at the nape of his neck.

"Feels so good," Nyx murmured, his head tilted back and eyes still closed. Theia leaned down and pressed her lips to the tip of his nose, her thumbs pressing circles into his cheeks as she held his face. He'd taken care of her for far too long, and she wanted to repay him, no matter how small the deed. His breathing grew heavy, his body relaxing further into the water.

When the suds grew heavy, Theia urged Nyx to lean forward. She took the cup and poured water over his head, giggling at the way he peppered her shoulder with kisses. The joy he pulled from her was such ecstasy, Theia couldn't imagine living another life. She'd never give him up, even if she laid in the shadows of his future.

"My turn," Nyx cooed, tapping her thigh beneath the water. Theia pressed a quick kiss to his cheek as he reached for the soap she had chosen, dropping a dollop into his palm. Her smile grew wide, her eyes falling closed and head tilting back as he began to massage the soap in.

"I love you," she sighed, leaning back against the palm that rested beneath her wings, her body melting to his touch. Despite the soap trailing down her skin, Nyx leaned forward and kissed the hollow of her throat, and then the space between her breasts. She shuddered, fingers clutching the edge of the tub.

"You're so beautiful," he murmured. Joy, pure and endless joy. Theia grinned wider, her bottom lip tucked between her teeth as warm water ran over her hair. She may disagree with the views of the court, the lack of change, but she couldn't give it up. Not now, not when this male saved her in such a perfect way.

Nyx cleared the water from her eyes with his thumb and pulled her back up. Theia blinked at him, her smile faltering. His beauty always rammed into her like a pile of bricks; stealing her breath with a single look. Water droplets ran between his brows, light eyes stark against the dark lashes that framed them. Theia had always known he was beautiful, but it seemed as though when she chose to revel in her emotions, he became otherworldly.

"You're so beautiful," she whispered, her hand against his jaw, her thumb running over the water that collected in the hair above his lip. His eyes lit at her words, lids falling half closed as he savored her touch. He pulled her closer, chest flush with chest, hands running over her bare skin beneath the water.

Unable to live another moment without his entire touch, Theia brought her lips to his. It began as such a slow kiss, gentle and careful, but Nyx's teeth grazed her bottom lip and his hand squeezed the plump flesh of her rear. Her moan fed his desire, his own fueling the fire within her veins. Theia rose higher on her knees, taking his mouth with hers.

This was her reward he had hinted at during her training. The complete and utter vulnerability that he gifted her. They held each other; hair in fist, flesh between fingers. Their mouths worked until the water ran cold, skin grew wrinkled. Nyx hardly had a towel around his waist before Theia was dragging him down the corridor.

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