40 ( are you jealous M)

Start from the beginning

- So, I've been thinking about offering you something for a while now," she bites her lip, holding back a mischievous smile. "What about ..." 

- Excuse me, but you left your cocktail," all the calmness that Minji tried so desperately to evoke in me is taken away by that damn man. The only thing I wanted in that moment was to prove that he had no right to make her cocktails, let alone interrupt such an intimate moment. In one moment, I turned into a jealous owner. 

Being susceptible to alcohol and emotions, I didn't really think about my actions. Pushing Minji in the chest, I press her against the bar counter and kiss her demandingly. I didn't think about what could come of it. Kissing her in front of people, I wasn't worried about the consequences. However, at that moment, I was only concerned with Minji's lips. At first, tightly squeezing them, she tried to push me away. But after a couple of seconds, giving in to my pressure, she responded to the kiss, closing her eyes.

My hands were on her waist, while I pressed her harder against the bar counter with my hips. Our lip movements became more impatient, and at the moment when I ran my tongue along her lower lip, I heard a quiet moan in response. That's when I completely lost my mind.

I don't remember how we got to our apartment. It seems like we ordered a taxi and kissed the whole way there. Well, I was the one constantly kissing Minji, not giving her a break for a minute. And with each kiss, they became more and more intoxicating. My hands rested on Minji's waist, lightly squeezing her in particularly hot moments. Like when I bit her lower lip. A moan of pleasure escaped her lips, which was clearly audible even through the kiss. A wave of excitement mixed with shivers ran through my body, caused by her touches on my neck. I don't know how the driver didn't kick us out in the middle of the road. Luckily, it was a woman who was no longer interested in anything but a good night's sleep after a long day of work. Feeling awkward, Minji  paid double the amount, trying to make up for my guilt. However, as soon as we got out of the car, all the awkwardness suddenly disappeared.

Barely crossing the threshold of the apartment, I once again pressed Minji against the wall, trying to minimize her movements. As if she could or wanted to resist. 

The desire has already darkened her pupils, and in the darkness of the corridor, where even the street light didn't reach.

Kissing her more slowly, not hurrying, wanting to enjoy all the sweetness of the moment. Feeling Minji's smile and the fact that she responds to me with all her desire, I finally decide. My hands immediately slip off her waist. Pulling her closer, I slightly lift her, pressing her against the wall again. These actions make Minji exhale in surprise, opening her eyes wide. While I was holding her up, her legs wrapped around my waist, clasping somewhere around my lower back. The insignificant distance between us that was before, now was completely absent.

Pushing me back by the shoulders, my woman breaks the kiss with a characteristic sound. Losing contact, I open my eyes sharply, involuntarily squeezing my hands on her hips. An impish smile adorned her face, while her hands without any hesitation got tangled in my hair, tousling the already disheveled locks. 

- And when did you puppy become so strong?" she asks, her cheeks flushed with a satisfied smile. 

- Well miss Kim, I started going to the gym just so I could get you up like that during sex," I say, kissing her smile, now clearly hearing how she presses even closer.

Today and always I wanted her to be mine.

Grabbing her tightly, I turn around and head towards the bedroom. Being lost in the moment with Minji and her lips, I miraculously manage not to bump into anything and successfully make it to the room. Arriving at the bed, I gently lower her onto it, feeling my arms noticeably tired. I was able to lift her, but my strength wouldn't have lasted long. Settling onto the pillows, she stretches with pleasure, getting comfortable. I, on the other hand, am still sitting on the edge of the bed, watching her. Her closed eyes open wide as she realizes my touches have disappeared. Looking at me, she dispels any doubts, urging me to take action.

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