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I spent the evening immersed in my textbooks, trying to cram as much material into my head as possible. It was a struggle to wake up the next morning, but I forced myself to sit down with my notes. Thankfully, I had covered a substantial number of questions, leaving almost none untouched. However, there was no room for relaxation. I wanted to free up the evening for Minji, but getting lost in her eyes was not what I had in mind.

Preparations for the exam were in full swing, leaving me tired and on edge. The pressure of the session always saps my strength. Coffee became my lifeline, helping me maintain some semblance of normalcy. Yet, amidst the weariness, one thought persisted—soon I would see Minji.

Breakfast and lunch passed by uneventfully, with typical conversations with my mom about the upcoming exam, her work, and other mundane topics. Nothing out of the ordinary. As the study session wore on and the clock neared five, I decided to take a break and have some tea. My mom joined me, and I casually mentioned without expecting any difficulties:

"Mom, I'm going to Siyeon's place today."

"You have an exam tomorrow. Study at home," she responded coldly. It seemed odd, didn't it?

"I'm prepared, and it wasn't a question," I replied with a touch of rudeness. It's not right, especially with parents, but sometimes emotions get the better of us, especially when nerves are frayed during exams.

"I have the right to forbid it. Who knows where you'll be wandering off to at night. Sit and study at home. Enough of sleeping in someone else's bed," my mother blurted out.

"What do you mean, 'who knows'? I told you I'm going to Siyeon's!" I shouted back.

"Don't raise your voice at me! You're not going anywhere," she retorted.

"Why should I suddenly listen to you? I'm not a little girl! I'll spend the night wherever I want!" I snapped, storming out of the kitchen.

As I left the apartment, I could hear my mother grumbling with displeasure in the kitchen. Is this how it's going to be? As long as I live here? Fine! With my hand shaking from nerves and emotions, I hastily typed a message to Minji:

"Can you pick me up? NOW. I'm at home."

Five minutes later, her reply came:

"What happened? I'll be there in ten minutes."

I could still hear my mother's displeased muttering from the kitchen. As I packed a few things and grabbed my notebooks, I reflected on the situation. As long as I live here, she says? Well, fine. But what would Minji say? She never suggested that I move in with her.

In the hallway, just before stepping outside, I heard my mother's voice:

"Who gave you permission to leave? Where are you going? Get back to your room."

"I can handle it myself! Don't lecture me about shared living space!" I shouted back as I left the apartment.

Stepping outside, I let out a loud exhale. I heard something shouted after me. What is all this? Why the yelling? Could it really be because of my meeting with Minji? But everything was going well, wasn't it? Putting my internal turmoil aside, I stepped into the chilly evening air. Brr, it was cold. Spotting Minji's familiar car by the entrance, I walked towards it. Tossing my backpack in the back seat, I sat in the front passenger seat and let out another heavy sigh. Minji looked at me attentively and with concern, not daring to ask but voicing the question hanging in the air:

"What happened? You're not yourself, Yooh?" There was anxiety in her voice.

"Yeah, it's my mom. I don't know what got into her. She didn't want to let me go anywhere, saying 'enough of your wandering while you live in this house.' Can you imagine? So I left. Everything just infuriates me. And I have an exam tomorrow," I replied in a tired voice, which Minji noticed.

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