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No matter how much I longed to relax during the holidays, I couldn't completely let go due to the upcoming exams. Every morning of the week, I started my day with preparations for biochemistry, which happens to be Minji's exam and also the first one in our group. I think it's better that way, but it's also nerve-wracking.

Since that moment, we haven't spoken to each other. Unfortunately. Many times this week, I held my phone in my hands, dialing her number repeatedly, only to hang up before the call connected. I didn't know where to start the conversation, what to say to her. Should I apologize? That's something I must do. It was my own stupidity and childish jealousy that caused us to suffer and lose precious time. I realized it was entirely my fault. Mine alone. I'm just a foolish kid! I will prove to her that it won't happen again. I understand her behavior, her silence. She still has doubts: Am I ready? Do I really want this? But, Minji, please don't hesitate any longer! You mean so much to me that words and actions alone are insufficient to express even a fraction of it. Most of all, I want to look into your eyes and see that same warmth. A phone call won't suffice for our conversation.

After reading a book in the morning and grasping the essence of the diagrams and cycles, I helped my grandmother in the afternoon. Yes, we spent the entire holiday week in the village. There's always plenty to do in the countryside, I don't think I need to explain it. Besides, my parents decided to have some minor renovations done there, which saved me a bit because I had the opportunity to prepare for exams. My progress in biochemistry was going well, probably because of the motivation provided by my beloved. I won't claim that I've mastered all the material, but finding a question that would cause me significant difficulties seems less likely compared to a week ago. Although I have no doubt that it won't be a major problem for Minji. I believe she knows the weak points of the students, especially mine. But either way, time flew by quickly.

Initially, this thought excited me because it meant we would see each other very soon. But on the other hand, I have more than one exam! I also have a microbiology exam. It seems like it's about general microbiology, nothing too specific. There's no need to delve into the details or memorize the characteristics of individual microorganisms. We don't even need to study virulent bacteria and viruses extensively. However, I foresee unpleasant consequences from our "interaction" with Miss Handong. She made that clear during our last class.

Before I knew it, the week came to an end, and I found myself lying in my bed in the city. Tomorrow is Monday and Minji's exam... Only the nights seemed to last forever. At night, the burning sensation and unbearable loneliness intensified. At night, I could feel her presence from a distance. It was the night I had been eagerly awaiting every day. Every day, except for today. Tonight would bring a new day, a day when I needed to gather my strength, calmly draw an exam question, answer it confidently, and await our conversation, our connection, "us." What am I more afraid of: the exam or this melancholic yet long-awaited reunion? Oh, who would have thought? I feel genuine excitement and fear. Of course, I've said a lot to her, I've done a lot... Who would doubt that? This is an important day. This time, I'm certain that she feels the same anticipation.

Sleep carried me away, freeing my mind for nocturnal adventures

Minji's POV

This trip was forced upon me by the department at the last moment. It's a business trip, but Seul always knew how to get me out. Meeting acquaintances was inevitable. At first, it upset me. I didn't want to see anyone, especially him. I quickly packed my things and left without looking back. I was afraid of being late even for a minute, afraid I wouldn't be able to leave. But I managed to. I've changed both externally and in character. I've matured, no matter how it sounds to others.

The trip to Seoul was easy. It was easy thanks to you, my girl. Now everything will work out for us. We can handle it. As I approached the city, I felt excitement. Yes, I had been avoiding a trip here, especially for such an extended period, almost a week.

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