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As we settled into the room, warmed by both the tea and our embrace, I couldn't help but wonder how we had ended up here. Minji had tried to walk, and I had practically clung to her, but instead of being annoyed, she found it amusing.

"Well, today I'll give you a choice: either we watch a movie, or I'll torture you with scientific work," she said ironically.

"I see, I have such a tough decision to make!" I replied, smiling like a cat.

"Choose a movie. I'm feeling generous today, as you can see," Minji answered, smiling as she got up to grab her laptop.

"Shall we watch something romantic?" I suggested as I climbed onto the sofa.

"Don't you want to watch horror movies anymore?" she asked, grinning mischievously.

"I could always choose to study instead!" I mockingly protested.

"Okay, then we'll watch a romantic movie." Minji turned the laptop towards me, her gentle smile not escaping my notice.

In the end, I chose a typical and predictable drama, to which Minji only grinned, already predicting a happy ending for me before we even started watching. We sat down on the sofa, prepared tea and cookies for ourselves, but truthfully, neither of us touched the treats.

"Minji, how was your trip to Seoul?" I asked, embracing her and looking at her through the screen.

Minji looked at me in surprise, smiled, and replied, "I see someone's already tired of the movie, and it hasn't even been twenty minutes yet," she said teasingly, pressing herself against me in a playful gesture.

"You're no fun! I'm watching, I'm watching," I muttered, pulling back slightly.

"Where are you going? Come back here," she insisted, pressing me back against her and threatening in a soft voice, "I'll make you come back to me."

"I love Seoul, baby. I love it so much. And I'll definitely introduce you to the city," she said with affection.

"Should I be jealous of Seoul? You probably have lots of friends and maybe even an ex there," I concluded, feeling a twinge of annoyance, even though such thoughts hadn't crossed my mind before.

"You shouldn't worry about that now, honey. The past is behind me. I'm absolutely sure of it," Minji reassured me, her voice filled with tenderness and determination. It was her voice that restored my confidence, not the content of her words. Everything else didn't matter, only her voice.

"What about you? How's it going with... um... Kai, if I remember correctly?" I asked, sensing a slight tension, which was unusual for this perpetually confident woman. It was subtle, but enough for me to understand all her emotions. To understand her.

"Are you jealous?" smiling, I asked. Well, I couldn't help but ask this question, although I could perfectly see and feel that she wasn't joking.

"Much more than you are of Seoul," she replied, a little serious, a little timid, a little ironic.

"But this is all nonsense. He means nothing to me," I said, more serious than before.

"Convince me," she answered playfully, raising her left eyebrow and grinning.

"What about the movie?" I whispered as I leaned closer to her.

"Oh, it's insanely interesting! Look, look," Minji said in a mocking tone, pretending to be serious and looking at the screen.

Grinning, I leaned even closer to her, pressing my body against hers and hovering above her. Minji didn't resist; she just grinned, her darkened eyes burning into mine. Without thinking twice, I pressed my lips to hers. She welcomed my tongue into her mouth, allowing the game to begin, letting goosebumps take over. Everything was permitted. But not for long.

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