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Minji's POV

All weekend, I couldn't find a place for myself. For some reason, I was internally worried. I didn't know what to do with myself. I constantly checked my phone, but I didn't take any steps. I couldn't. She wrote that it was the end, that she didn't want to discuss it, and, as it turned out, she was involved with Yubin. I had no right to forbid her from being happy if that's what truly makes her happy. But Yoohyeon, is it really true? I couldn't understand. I knew that Handong probably called her, but I didn't dare ask her about it. It would be too much. I've become too much like a lovesick teenager with a broken heart. I cry over every little thing. I just need to pull myself together. Where is the old me, strong and confident? Where?

During the first class, I tried to prepare myself and confidently entered the classroom. It was the class where I would have a lesson with her. I wouldn't show weakness. I would be strong and confident. I could do it. With determination, I went to that damn class. My palms were sweating like that of a nervous schoolgirl. What are you doing to me, Yoohyeon? You hurt me, you betrayed me, and yet I can't help but think of you. Even with Seul, I was able to forget about it overnight and move on. What are you doing to me?

As I entered the hall, dozens of pairs of eyes stared at me. Some continued their discussions, but that was a rarity in my class. Everyone knew it was better not to take risks. I involuntarily looked around, even though I didn't want to. Even here, I was showing weakness. But you weren't here. You simply didn't come. Do you not want to see me? Or are you afraid of me and my reaction?

"So," I began with a confident voice, "since the class representative isn't here, let's go ahead and take attendance."

"Woodz, Kim Yoohyeon, and Sorn," a girl answered.

"Do we know the reason?" I asked, trying to remain calm.

"Well, Woodz is probably still asleep, Sorn is at a competition, and Kim Yoohyeon is sick," the girl replied.


The news of her illness actually made me inwardly laugh. Oh well, if she's sick, then good luck to her. I guess someone else will handle the scientific aspect. We've been through this before. The class proceeded cheerfully. Perhaps her absence freed me, or maybe I was finally able to control my emotions.

Inside the classroom, I met with Handong. I walked in with a smile, wanting to joke around, but she looked at me with a frown that instantly made me tense. My mood vanished in an instant. I sensed that something was wrong. I wanted to ask, but before I could, the door opened and Yubin appeared at the threshold.

"What hospital is she in?" the woman asked me.

In that moment, I was stunned, trying to process the information. Who? Yoohyeon in the hospital? No further explanations were needed; it became instantly clear. But why wasn't I informed? A lump formed in my throat, making it difficult to breathe. Fear instantly gripped me, and I turned to Handong, who stood and looked at us.

"What happened to her?" I asked, not caring about anything else. Just tell me. I hope she's okay. My pleading eyes spoke volumes. I love this silly girl.

"I think she's getting better," Handong said, looking into my eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I stood up from my chair, ready to shout. I didn't understand. I didn't even know what had happened to her. Again. Once again, I found out last.

"She asked me not to tell you," Handong explained, and I couldn't understand why. Why wouldn't she want me to know? Why?

At that moment, I felt Yubin's gaze. I looked at her with displeasure and said, "Go to her. Maybe she wants to see you more. She's scared of doctors; she's scared there now." It pained me to say it, but I love her, and I know she's a coward. I know she's lying in that hospital bed, worrying. I can feel it.

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