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"Baby, wake up," Minji said gently, touching my back.

I turned to her, making it clear that I wasn't actually asleep, and looked at her with apparent exhaustion. She responded, saying, "Seems like someone didn't get any rest. I'll get you some coffee." Her smile warmed me and gave me more strength than any cup of coffee ever could. Although, the combined effect of coffee and her smile was undeniably better.

I caught the gaze of the woman sitting next to us, realizing that Minji and Woodz had gone somewhere. I felt a certain awkwardness being alone with a stranger and unfamiliar woman, but I tried my best not to show it.

"I'll go and freshen up," I said, intending to escape the woman's gaze, but she stopped me, saying, "There's a long line."

Just then, Minji returned with two cups of coffee. She looked at me, slightly surprised, and said, "No, there's a huge queue, and I doubt you're eager to stand in line with Woodz. You better keep me company with a cup of coffee."

I put down the toothbrush and towel that I had already taken out of my bag and sat down near the window, unsure of how to act in Minji's presence with a stranger nearby. She sat next to me, placing a cup beside me, understanding my confusion. Without saying a word, she gently squeezed my thigh under the table, bringing my nervous gaze back to her.

"The coffee will get cold," she said with a grin, bringing me back to reality.

"Thank you," I said, taking a sip of the scalding and invigorating drink.

"Good morning, Yoohyeon," Woodz said, returning to us.

"Hi," I replied as coldly as possible.

"I wanted to apologize. Let bygones be bygones. Besides, just so you know, I have a girlfriend," he mumbled.

I simply looked at him, making it clear that his statement was the least of my concerns, but nodded in response.

"Guys are funny. You have a girlfriend, yet you still want another girl," Minji remarked, smiling.

"That's not for you to judge, Miss Minji," Woodz snapped, looking at the teacher.

Minji decided to ignore his remark and found something to do on her phone. I noticed that she was actively engaged in a conversation with someone, and I must admit, it annoyed me. We were about to arrive in Seoul, the city where we had planned to be together, but all our plans had been disrupted by Woodz's appearance. And now, just when this obstacle seemed insignificant and we were moments away from being ourselves, she became engrossed in something or rather someone else. Jealousy? Resentment? Childish? Call it what you will, but it bothered me.

Without saying anything, I headed to the toilet to compose myself. Minji looked at me, her gaze scanning me attentively, seemingly aware that I was upset but unable to do anything. She said, "Kim Yoohyeon, we're close to Seoul soon, so hurry up."

I left without answering, just nodding slightly. Hurry up. Sure. I had no intentions of deliberately lingering on the train. But I returned just as we started to slow down at the station. By then, the woman next to us was already dressed and ready to go, like many others in the carriage. However, the others in our compartment remained seated, not in a rush to prepare for disembarkation.

"Yoohyeon, you're definitely not in need of a ride?" Woodz asked, preparing to button his jacket.

"No," I said, deftly handling the zipper of my bag.

"And what about you, Miss Minji?" the guy inquired seriously.

"Thank you, but someone will be picking me up," she responded, unintentionally catching my attention, which I tried to conceal.

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