Even though Jimin was right, the thought still petrified Jennie. This was, after all, the first time she was really going to propose to Rosé and no one except the two of them knew that. She didn't want to fumble with words and embarrass herself and Rosé for the rest of the world to see.

"Have you tried proposing to anyone before?" Jennie narrowed her eyes at him.


"So then shut up and leave me in peace." Jennie said, sounding annoyed. She wasn't annoyed at her friend. She was just really anxious waiting for her cue.

Jimin just shook his head in amusement and waited for Ellen's instructions. He gave the actress a friendly and reassuring pat on her shoulder before going back to charming his fans.

A few blocks away, Rosé was walking with her new business partner and long-time friend, Deb Never. When Jennie told her they were going to New York for Ellen's anniversary episode, she asked Deb to come along so they could work on their new short film project.

"Deb, what are you doing?" Rosé quirked an eyebrow, unsure when Deb managed to whip out that small camera on her hands that was now pointed at her.

"Filming, obviously." Deb slyly grinned.

"I thought we're just scouting locations."

"It's for Rosesarerosie Vlog."

Rosé chuckled in amusement.

"I still have no idea why people watch those videos."

"Hey, they're artistic. Especially when you do that derp face of yours."

"Whatever. Try not to trip and- watch out!" Rosé yelped, closing her eyes as she did.

Just in time, Deb managed to maneuver herself away from the post that she almost ran into.

Slowly, Rosé opened her eyes again, sighing in relief upon seeing her friend still standing upright and with that annoying smirk plastered on her face.

"Just cut it off, Deb." Rosé rolled her eyes at her friend who continued filming her. "I don't want to be calling my wife from the ER to tell her my friend injured herself for being such a dummy."

"Do you like being Jennie's wife?" Deb sneakily asked.

"What kind of question is that? I LOVE being Jennie's wife. I'd marry her again if I could. And in my next life. And in my life after that." Rosé smiled bashfully.

"Aww, you're so cute." Deb teased.

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