down in Vegas

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"Forever.", I quietly repeated the words Kevin and I had whispered to each other over and over. We would always be together. And I didn't even doubt that. He would stay with me and I would stay with him.

The ring on my finger really helped me. It made me feel like I had something to hold on to. To him.

And I had thought again about maybe we should run away to Vegas. Just him and me.

Even though he'd told me that wasn't me.

Maybe not the old me. But maybe the new me, because all I knew about the old me was what I'd been told, and when I listened to Kevin, it was a completely different person than the person my family described to me.

When Kevin talked about me, his eyes would sparkle. He had nice things to say and talked a lot about what feelings I evoked in him. And he kept talking about how I belonged to him. No one else had told me that.

No one in my family had told me that I belonged with them. Even though it was probably easy to assume that. We were just family. We belonged together.

But for me it was no longer so self-evident.

Everything felt strange to me and such simple sentences as "You belong to me" were so infinitely decisive for me. And only Kevin had told me, had really made me feel that I belonged to him.

To him and his family.

His dad, his brother. With them, I felt like I belonged.

More than with my own family and that was kind of sad. Or maybe it wasn't. Maybe it just told me that Kevin had just always been more my family.

He seemed to understand me so much better than my family in so many ways.

His hand stroked my arm, tracing the tattoos, just as I had traced the tattoos on his arm before.

I just loved touching him. He was warm and every time I touched him, my body responded to His. It was every time again like a warm shiver that ran through my body. Triggered by the most beautiful man I knew.

He was incredibly beautiful, but in a way I knew no one else around me was. He was very different and maybe that was what attracted me to him the most.

He wasn't like the others. But I definitely wasn't either.

I didn't fit in with my family, but I fit in with him just fine.

"Forever." he mumbled tiredly once again.

I was just glad he had let me stay with him. I hadn't wanted to go back to my family, who just kept harping on me. They wanted everything from me, wanted to make sure I remembered.

But the more they tried, the more distant everything felt.

The more they tried, the less likely it seemed to me that I would ever remember.

But what I would always remember, no matter how far away the other memories were, was this. This feeling. No matter what would ever separate Kevin and me, we would always find each other again because this was exactly what was right.

Him and me.

"Get some sleep now." he whispered, pulling me closer to him "You must be infinitely tired.".

I snuggled as close to him as I could. His heart was beating loudly under my ear.

"I love you.", I whispered, now my heart was beating a little faster too.

"I love you too." he growled.

Urg that growl really made me weak.

Like a bear.

Forever yoursTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang