Say it

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* Kevin*

I hadn't slept a wink all night. I had been way too upset to just sleep like that. It wasn't fair. None of what just happened was fair. Not for any of us. Not for her. Not for me, and especially not for her fiancé.

I was absolutely not the type to steal someone's girlfriend and it had always been important to me that someone in a relationship was respected. But all that didn't count for me when it came to Luisa.

She was mine. She always had. And so I couldn't let her marry him. She didn't even want to.

There was a lot of anger bubbling up inside me, and I was all the more relieved when I was finally able to bring that anger to the asphalt. I drove until I almost forgot why I was so angry. Even though in the back of my mind there was still that little voice telling me that I was only so mad because I hadn't asked her to marry me myself long ago. I knew she would have said yes. But I had just never asked. And it was driving me crazy.

"That was great Kevin, you can come back in now," I got through on the pit radio.

"Copy.", I replied and headed the car towards the pit entrance.

I could have driven for hours more and at least I wouldn't have had to think. All I would have had to do was focus on my car and take my frustration out on the road. It would have been so much easier than pretending everything was fine in front of Mick.

So much easier than grappling with what I was going to do.

I wanted Luisa back. And obviously she wanted that too, but she was having a much harder time breaking the engagement back than I would have believed. I was pretty sure it wasn't because of the emotional connection with Ben, because even though I'm sure she liked him, there was no love there. Her love belonged solely to me.

Yet I knew how hard it was for her to be a Schumacher.

How often had we lain together and talked about how she felt like a mistake just because she didn't race or do anything with horses? She had always had a mind of her own and that was absolutely fine. But for her it was a huge pressure. She always had the feeling that she was not living up to her last name.

I wasn't really worried about that. My father was a well-known racing driver in Denmark and so was I, but I never had the feeling that I had to live up to any standards.

I was who I was and my parents supported me in whatever I wanted to do.

I was pushed into the garage and saw that Mick had already arrived and was talking to his sister. But she was not alone. Next to her stood a guy. His arm wrapped around her back, she pressed tightly against him.

I could see her giving me a quick look and then lowering her eyes.

It started to boil inside me. It took a lot of restraint for me not to completely freak out.

This guy?

Was she serious?

I exited my car , took off my helmet and hood, then unzipped my racing suit and tied it over my hips before walking over to them.

Luisa immediately tensed up.

"Hey Kev.", Mick smiled "Ben? This is Kevin. Kevin, this is Ben, Luisa's fiancé. So soon to be my brother-in-law.", he grinned from ear to ear.

Why did Mick actually look happier with this fact than his sister?

I reached out my hand to Ben and shook it "Nice to meet you.", I brought out, though there were completely different words in my head.

I wanted to yell at him, tell him to fuck off. But I didn't. I kept those words to myself and put on a smile.

"Nice to meet you, too." he replied, unconsciously pulling Luisa a bit towards him.

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