first love

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I hadn't gotten far when Kevin caught up with me again.

He grabbed my upper arm a little roughly and pulled me to him. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and pulled me to his chest.

"Do you really think I'm just going to let you go like that? You think I'm going to give up that easily when it comes to you?"

"Why can't you just let it go and make it easier on both of us?", I hissed angrily, tears in my eyes.

"Because it's not that easy! Do you even know what you mean to me?" he was furious as well.

His eyes flashed as he pulled my face towards him.

"Believe me, if it weren't for that stupid ring on your finger, I would have reminded you long ago how much you mean to me. You may have forgotten that, but I sure as hell haven't," he pressed back against me.

"Do you feel that?", yes I felt damn well what he meant "You do that to me. Every time. Still. Fuck, I love you and you get engaged to some guy you've known for what? A year? I'd give up everything for you. Without asking a question. And you replace me? Do you know how that feels? Do you know how that fucking feels?" he was almost roaring with anger.

"Kev, I...," my words were stuck in my throat.

I knew exactly how this felt. I had thought for a year and a half that he had replaced me and it had been the worst feeling ever.

"It feels like shit! And I have not only a small desire to call your fiancé and tell him he can shove the wedding! Because you're mine. And because I'm the one who makes you happy. If it were up to me, I'd bring that fucking ring over to him in person and tell him to stay the fuck away from you. But I can't even blame that idiot. He was just smart enough to ask you right away, to make it official. And yet, it's not fair. He can't just take you away from me like that."

"I'm not some fucking trophy you can take away from someone!", I returned venomously.

Kevin shook his head laughing "You know how I mean that, Princess, and you know as well as I do that you're mine. I know you're just not kissing me right now because then you'd have to feel bad for your guy because he's the one who can least for this. If things had been different and you hadn't been engaged, we'd be in the hotel by now and you'd be in my bed gasping my name," I gasped to protest, but just the thought of what he'd always done to me made me forget everything else. He had been damn good at it.

"I can see you still want this as much as I do." he moved a little closer to me

My breathing was getting heavier and heavier. All it took was just a little bit more and I'd jettison every bit of self-control I had left in me and just be with him again.

I wanted him so badly. Just like when I had first loved him. I had wanted him and that hadn't changed until today.

"Kevin?", I whispered his name into the darkness until I was pulled into some arms.

"Hey, princess.", the Dane grinned widely before kissing me.

"Hey. We have to make sure no one followed me first! If Dad finds out, then..."

"Then I'll tell him I love you," he put his hand to my face and kissed me again.

"I love you. I love you. I love you.", he repeated and pressed kisses to my face.

I was so in love with Kevin that sometimes it left me speechless myself.

"I love you.", I replied before he pushed me against one of the trailers.

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