Call it cowardice and in all honesty that's exactly what it is. But I gotta do what I got to do in order to make sure my father doesn't beat the shit out of him, not that it would even happen I'd murder my father because I let him raise a finger at Apollo. In order to ensure nobody found out until then Callum has stayed and only left to take showers so it just looks like two best friends worried about their best friend. I haven't once got up from this seat. Not to shower, not to stretch my legs, and not even to eat. My mate needed me by him at all times so he'd be able to heal fast and fully. I'd give up my basic necessities forever if it meant that he'd be healthy and healed up.

I snap my head up and jump back slightly when I feel an unexpected hand on my shoulder. I relax a little when I see it's just my mother. When the fuck did she get in the room, I didn't hear the door or footsteps.

"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you" she says smiling softly at me before she rubs my back and then fixes my hair that is no doubt messy and greasy.

"It's alright. What brings you here so early? Is everything alright?" I smile back at her lightly. I don't even know what time it is. Looking across the room to where Callum is.. or rather where he was sitting, When did he even leave?, I look at the clock seeing the time read 6:37 A.M, damn it's early.

"Yes everything is alright. You father was snoring loud as fuck again and I couldn't fall back to sleep so I thought I'd just stop by to bring you breakfast as well as check on my favorite pup" I smile brighter at this. My momma has always loved Apollo more than anything. Sometimes she's tell me he's going to be her son in law. My mother has always supported my opinion on sexuality from day one and she's always known that it was Apollo who caught my eye. If not given the circumstances we were in right now she would've been ecstatic when I told her about me and Apollo's mateship.

"Thanks momma, but I'm not very hungry right now" I tell her honestly making her frown at me. I haven't eaten in the two days Apollo has been in here and truthfully I wasn't hungry at all. I couldn't think about food when my mate had to be fed through a tube. "Apollo isn't getting worse, but he also isn't doing as good as he should be doing"

"Atticus you need to eat... Apollo wouldn't want you starving yourself" maybe she's right and maybe she's wrong all I know is it isn't right to eat in this situation. I don't want to be fed and healthy while he's suffering.

"No. I won't eat while he doesn't get to. And trust me I highly doubt he'd care if I ate or not, Apollo hates me mom... you didn't see his face. The pure hurt and betrayal that was written on it was enough to seal that" I sigh not wanting to remember that look on his face but I didn't deserve to not remember. I deserved to remember to have it burned into my memory as a reminder of what I did to him what I made him feel, what I caused to happen.

"He could never hate you. He was hurt and upset but you just need to explain to him what it was that he saw. Please eat" I guess she had a point but I was too stubborn to crack. I WILL NOT EAT UNTIL HE AWAKENS! I shake my head denying her again. She sighs but doesn't say anything. After a few moments of silence I move my eyes away from her I re close them and take my recent position with Apollo's hand held to my head. Zoning out my mom's breathing and heartbeat as well as everyone else's in the pack hospital I refocused my attention on my mate's breathing and heartbeat.

It's silent for a while until my mother speaks up again "Atticus... he needs to heal. He needs you. In order for you to be any use to him you need to be completely healthy and eating plus having good hygiene plus getting proper rest is apart of that" looking back at her I deeply scan her for a lie but we both know deep down it's the truth.

I have a few cards to play here. One I ignore her advice and stay right here like I have been these past two days, two I eat my food and don't move, or three I take her advice and leave to rest shower and eat then return later. Option one sounds the most appealing, option two sounds okay, but option three sounds painful... nevertheless my mother is right, Apollo needs me at my best if he's going to heal soon.

Sighing I nod my head and stand to my feet. Looking back at Apollo I lean down just before my mouth is at his ear "I promise to be back later. If you wake up soon I'll bring you a whole jar of nasty ass pickles and vanilla ice cream just for you" placing a long gentle kiss to his forehead I relentlessly pull back. Turning to my mom I see a small warm smile instead of the normal smirk she'd be giving any other day.

Walking towards forward I stop in front of her and take the bag filled with my food from her hands and place a kiss on her cheek before I get a step in momma grabs my arm and pulls me back raising a eyebrow at her I wait for the elaboration as to why she just stopped me from going after she just said I need to keep myself healthy for him.

Looking at me sternly with those big bright green intimidating eyes "Atticus you do understand that you are now alpha right?"

Well that's a dumbass question of course I remember that I mean come on now I'm make poor decisions but I'm not a dumbass keeping the obvious to myself in order to avoid momma's wrath (I might be alpha now but she's still my mom and she still scares the absolute shit out of me) I nod my head answering her question

"Good because I hope you know that you have responsibilities to attend to... I know your mate is hurt but the pack including your father has no idea what the boy is to you Atticus which means you have duties to uphold unless you want you dad to find our while your mate is in a state of vulnerability... while he's is a state that can allow your father or any other homophobic asshat to hurt your mate either physically or mentally" me and Danny both growl at the mention of our mate being harmed in any way.

"I'd slap you for growling at me but given the fact it's about your mate I'll let it slide" this just causes me to grow angry. I try not to but I'm the fucking alpha and she has no right to threaten me ever! Trying to calm down I ball my hands into fist and dig my talon's into my palm focusing strictly on the pain rather than the anger I felt from my mom's threat to me and the mention of harm being caused to my beautiful boy when she noticed my shift in mood she bite out a quick and sincere "sorry" before moving onto the topic at hand "You need to understand that and do your duties as alpha"

I know she's right but it's hard to think about that at the moment and the thought of leaving Apollo here hours on end while I'm working on my 'Alpha work' doesn't sit well in my stomach deciding it's my burden to carry and not momma's I quickly kiss her cheek again and hurry out the door and leaving only momma and Apollo in the room, though I didn't no one besides me, his family, or Callum with him alone I did trust my mom and I know she'd never ever hurt him.

After I make it to the back house I greet a few people before finally making it to the alpha suite and doing what I needed to do. After showing I laid in bed and quickly fell fast asleep.


Author: it is a really short chapter, I'm sorry but I needed a chapter with not to much action Yk.

But how do you guys feel about Atticus? He's taking it roughly. Poor Apollo is not responsive. I can't wait until he wakes up. I have some interesting stuff planned for the next few chapters.

Feedback? You liked it? You didn't? What would you like to see in the next chapters? I really like Isabel (Atticus's mom) she loves Apollo so much... don't we all tho

School is getting stressful so I'm now only going to be able to upload once a week instead of twice and I'm not sure what day I'll be able to but I promise it will be every week that I upload.... If there is ever a reason I can't upload I'll let you guys know on my book tiktok (imaslutfor_books)

Alrighty bye love bugs much..

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