Chapter 7: Conviction & Doubt

Depuis le début

I fought the urge to tell him he's words aren't relevant. He is a stranger to Kei. He could have made better effort to forge a relationship with Kei.

I carried on my way as he went to the house, probably to get her.

"Here comes the groom. He is dressed white." Cathan sang theatrically. "Why aren't you in white?"

"Don't provoke me this early in the morning."

He drew me in for a suffocating hug. He purposely messed up my hair. I swatted his hand off.

"Where is she? Is she coming?" He looked past me expectantly.

"Stop it. She's going to be my wife and you are not allowed to flirt with her like you did in Saint-Tropez."

He cringed. "I'm a creature of habit. I can't help it when there's a beautiful woman in my presence. Pardon my misdemeanor." I almost believed him until he started laughing. I joined him because it is hard not to. He has an infectious laughter. "Come meet the Queen Mother and my children."

He presented to his mother. Queen Nesrin is a short woman with dark sharp eyes and a deep voice. She smiled at me after I bowed to her.

"Your Majesty." I acknowledged her.

"I just realized you never acknowledge my title." Cathan complained.

"Because you are a child." I teased him. "Who are these?"

I bent my frame to be closer to his children. The girl is older and looks very confident. The boy seems timid if not shy.

"My name is Princess Nilsa." She introduced herself. "This is my little brother Relian."

"Crown Prince Relian." The Queen told her sharply. She presented the crown prince.

"You should bow to us." The girl demanded.

I straightened my form and only bowed to the Crown Prince. I completely disregarded her and that made the Queen laugh.

"She is going to be a problem not just for you but the Prince as well. Nip her at the bud before it's too late." I told Cathan when we moved away.

"She's just a child. She will grow up."

"Theo!" Freya came my way.

Cathan left us before she reached me. She gave me a big hug. This woman is the closest thing to a mother I've ever had. I hugged her back just as tightly.

"Congratulations." She held one side of my face. "I wish they were here to see you marrying such a beautiful woman!"

I kissed her open palm. I fought the tears that nearly slipped from my eyes. "Me too. Me too."

On a day like this, I wish my parents were here.

Keira's POV
I wish my parents were here. I feel their absence now more than ever. I wish Keith was here. I think he and Sinclair would have gotten along quite well. I put away a photograph of the four of us only for my cousin to pick it up.

"She was so pretty. Your brother was also quite handsome. Why is his hair blond and curly? The rest of you have dark hair. Was he adopted?"

Uncle Ty's daughter is my maid of honor. She's a pain in the neck. But he asked me to have her. I couldn't say no. It's also not that the options were that many. The other option was Jake's girlfriend and she is a complete stranger to me. I guess family makes sense.

I was surprised when Uncle Ty agreed to give me away. I thought he would turn me down. The question of who would give me away has been bugging me for a long time. The other option was to walk down the aisle alone. I didn't want that.

"You tend to speak a lot. You come from a family who don't say much. Are you adopted?" I asked her.

She made a sneering face at me and continued her vain routine in front of the mirror.

Where is Lorraine? I need her so badly today.

I wonder if my father would have approved of Theo. My gut is telling me no. He was a Nick fan. What would he think of Nick now? Would he be disappointed?

Nick tried to reach out. He was calling the Chateau repeatedly, asking to speak to me after he was rude to me. Sinclair assigned one servant to read a written response to Nick. She kept saying "you will not speak to Keira" every time he called. He called 32 times before he gave up. Theo was completely unfazed. Bruce and I have kept our lips sealed about the meeting with Nick.

I wonder if he will show up today. It will be a disaster if he shows up today.

From the window I can see how tight security is. A lot of important people are coming to this wedding and they expect to feel safe. Theo would also hate to be embarrassed. With all certainty, Nick will have a hard time getting through.

Another thing I wasn't counting on, was Bruce St Patrick agreeing to be Theo's best man. Bruce is Nick's best friend. He is also close to Theo. It must have been difficult for him to decide. He's down there with Theo. They are talking at the parking lot.

Watching them makes me miss Lorraine, my best friend. Lorraine has been MIA for the longest time. It's like she disappeared off the face of the earth. I'll ask Theo to help me find her. I wish she was here today to make me feel a little saner.

"You are really brave to be going out there today."

"What do you mean?"

"After the scandal you made..." She cringed. "...if I was in your shoes I would just crawl under a rock and die."

Heaven help me deal with this girl! I'm really trying to be civil.

"As someone who has no idea what ai have been through, pleas shut up."

"I'm doing you a favor by being here."

"I didn't ask you to be here. You volunteered because you couldn't pass off an opportunity to be part of one of the biggest weddings money can buy. You want to go home and tell your friends you were at a billionaire's wedding at a Chateau in France. That is why you are here. For the aesthetics. Let's not pretend otherwise cousin."

I sighed in relief when uncle Ty walked in.

"There you are! So beautiful this morning!"

"Thank you daddy!" She received the praise as much as uncle Ty is talking to me. Narcissist.

"You too dear." He smiled at her. "Can you give us some privacy?"

She went outside.

"What is it?" I asked when he sat me down.

"I already offered you a place in Wyoming. Come home with me and I'll take care of you. You don't have to marry this man because you are pregnant."

"Uncle Ty, thank you for your generous offer but my mind is made up. Today I'm marrying Theo Sinclair. It's what I want."

He pressed a kiss on my forehead. "In that case, let's walk down the aisle."

The Sinclair Series Book #2: Mrs Sinclair Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant