"Error 504. Subject not found. The Partner."

I froze. Just when I thought some mystery tattoo couldn't get weirder it's the same as someone else's. It's the same as a liars. He's one of the causes of this and kept lying. Why would ours be the same?

"We have the same one. No one else that I know does. Any clue why?"He asked.

"No. I don't know what any of this is. I don't even know how I got in the Flat Trans in the first place. What makes you think I know about the tattoos?"I asked.

"We never told you about the Flat Trans,"He muttered, sounding on edge. I had just totally screwed up. Could I gaslight him maybe? Probably not. Knowing me I'd give away more.

"It just sounded right. Weird, huh? Anyways, goodnight,"I said, quickly turning over.

"You know something,"He continued.

"I have no idea what you mean,"I lied.

"You do. How did you get here? Who are you?"He pestered.

"If you don't let me sleep I'll be in a bad mood tomorrow. Go to bed,"I snapped. Before he could answer I had already turned over.

As I lay there I thought about it. My last words to my brother had been 'out'. They weren't even words. I had just screamed at him. As much as a douch he could be he was still my brother. Would I still have existed in that world? Would I be here forever?

I know we had some fights, but there were good time. Just last summer I took him down the river. I taught him how to carve figurines. Sometimes he'd convince me to play with him on the Xbox. Our parents worked a lot so we spent a lot of time alone. Would he think I left because of him? Would he ever know how much I loved him?

I felt tears start coming down. I just wanted to go home. I wanted to see them again. I'd even eat Dads casserole. I'd leave me room like they want and spend all my time with them.

"I promise to be better if I wake up home,"I whispered into the darkness. I meant it to. I would be the sister he deserves. I'd put away my martial items and focus on him. I'd be a better friend. Every day I'd say good morning and go out with them. I'd be a a better daughter. When my parents asked me to do something I wouldn't complain anymore.

"Please,"I whispered again. I could feel myself shaking from the sobs threatening to leave. I curled myself into a ball and closed my eyes. If I pretended hard enough I could feel like I was in my bed.

Aris P.O.V

"I promise to be better if I wake up home,"Y/N whispered from next to me. Her voice cracked. She sounded like she was in pain. I can't remember what my original home felt like. All I remember is WICKED. I still do. Sometimes I wish I could tell everyone the truth, but it wouldn't stop what was going to happen. I was going to have to do the unthinkable.

Something about the way she thinks of home brings out all these thoughts. It has to be a special thing. What could she be better at though? What did she mean by that? Maybe she meant a better person. Maybe just at things she does. There's no way of knowing unless I asked. She thinks everyone's asleep though, and I want her to keep thinking that. I wouldn't want anyone to see me so vulnerable.

There was only one person who was allowed to, and I lost her. Y/N lost her family as far as she knows. They might not be dead, but she may never see them again.

"Please,"I heard her repeat sadly. I risked looking over to see she had curled up. Through the dark I could see her shoulders shaking. She was holding back tears. I'm sure being plunged from heat to night did nothing to help.

After a minute she seemed to have slightly relaxed. It wasn't by much though.

I looked down at my hoodie. I had long sleeves under. Hers only went down to her elbows.

I quietly stood up and took off the hoodie. I gently placed it over her careful not to startle her. The moonlight illuminated her face. It was streaked with tears, but there was still a mysterious beauty to her. I'd never say that out loud, but it was true.

She seemed to completely calm down with the hoodie draped over her. I swear she had a small smile on her face. It wasn't much, but she looked better than before.

"Goodnight Y/N,"I whispered walking off.

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