Chapter 8

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After everything that happened, I sneaked out through the back door. I wanted to get as far as a I could from Max's house. He is right. I could never be what he is. I could never have what he is. He is so much better than me in every way. I was thinking about these things as I'm walking home. As soon I'm outside my house I can hear them; my parents. They're fighting again. I can hear them yelling. I sit down on the porch for a while. I don't have it in me to go inside. This is why I spend most of my time at Max's.

   I open the door and get in. It's so much louder in here.

"Don't you dare pin this on me when we both know it's all your fault."

"Oh it'll all my fault? And you're the goody two shoes who never does anything wrong are-"

"I've just had it with-"

"You can't even-"

And on and on it goes. They didn't even notice that I've come in way past midnight.

I go into my room and take a shower. I can still hear them over the sound of water. I was thinking about all the stuff that today and suddenly I hear a crash!

I got out of the shower and decided to leave. For good. I can't take this anymore. I pack up a bag and walk straight by them. They didn't see me again.

   I get out and walked and walked and walked all around town until I was back at Max's. He was laid in a lounge chair by the pool, wearing only a pair of boxers and those sliders I'd put on. He turned around, opened his eyes and saw me with my bag. "Connie?"

I didn't respond. So he got up, came UpTo me and wrapped his arms aroud me. I just started crying. I cried and I cried and he held me. I slipped through his arms,knelt down and hugged his legs. After a while, he pulled me up and he said "Let's go home." and led me inside.

He led me to the guest bedroom where I usually sleep and laid down on the bed right next to me. He had indications of dark circles in his otherwise majestic blue eyes. Mine are boring brown. He hooked an rm under me and one arm above then he wrapped a leg over me. My body was cocooned by his.

"Everything will go back to normal tomorrow. Okay?" He said.

I noded and settled into masculine smell and I descended to sleep.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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