Chapter 2

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İ don't know how to describe her or what İ feel around her. Maybe someday I'd get Col to write a fantastic essay on her. But for now, she goes everywhere with a wind on her back. While her loose blond hair flies around her face, the round solid glasses carry her confidence.

"Hey, Connor." She gives off a bright smile.

"Hi Suzy. Looking great."

She hangs her head to the side and laughs a little, "You're a good boy."

İ scratch the hair on top of my head.

"Hey so--" She begins but didn't finish because just then Max and Col came in laughing.

Suzy leans back, trying to get as far away from us as possible. For some reason, she doesn't like Max.

Our classrooms have a bench and desk layout in groups of two students. İt's supposed to promote cooperation or whatever. Max lands on the bench I'm sitting on. He leans back, puts his elbow up and swings his left leg over my right one so that the top of his left foot is brushing my left ankle. İ can see by the dirt on the sneakers that they've been in the grass.

İ ask him when they stop laughing.
"What happened?"

"Oh man, you should've seen the freshmen's face." Col said.

"And they way he crawled between our legs." Max said.

Then he said me a video of a small guy on his hands and knees passing between his legs.
"Maybe you'll see it again today." He said.

Max had always been like that. He'd shoved me the very first day and taken my lunch.

The teacher came in and we started the class. Max leaned back without a care in the world while İ leaned in, focused and took notes. Despite all the work that İ put in, all the homework that İ do, Max still gets much better grades than me. Always. And we don't even have to talk about Col. İ guess they were just born with it. Some people are just like that, naturally better than you.

Max is bored. He kicks my shin and İ know what that means. İ take out a tissue from my bag, reach down for his shoes and start wiping it. İt takes some time to clean them because he is shaking his feet.

When the class is over, İ put all of Max's stuff in his locker then head to my class. Neither Max nor Col share Civics with me so here İ sit with Suzy.

"Can I see your homework?" i ask her. She always does the best work. İt's amazing.

She asks for mine and İ give her. "Ohh, it's different. İ like it."


"I'm surprised you even have time for creativity."
Everyday, atleast once, Suzy has to open this topic with me. For her, the day doesn't count untill she does.

"Stop!" İ said.

"I'm just saying, you have to focus more on your stuff."

What stuff? İ want to say. İ literally have nothing. İ don't like wasting time on social media, İ don't have a real social life like Max and Col, I'm not good or interested in anything else. What's wrong with it if İ use my worthless free time, to help out a friend who can do many worthwhile things with his time. İ don't say any of this to her.

"Okay. Noted" is all İ say.

And just like that, one by one the classes go by. Then there is lunch, Today Max and Col are not sitting at our table which means they're sitting with their other friends. İ sit with Suzy and the others ignored kids.

They are talking about Friday's party at Col's house, saying how lucky İ am to be invited and how much fun it'd be if they were too. İ am lucky, to be friends with them. They are all the way across the cafeteria, Jeena sitting on Max's lap, with his legs crossed on the table above. They are making out, and İ can see the dirt on the soles of his shoes.

I'm walking out to my class with Suzy.

"Hey can you get me in?" She asks.

I'm shocked. Suzy has never wanted to be in the same place as Max, let alone go to a party at his house. İ look at her in surprise and she tucks back a piece of hair. She is really beautiful.

"Okay, if you go out with me." İ said.

"Yes!" she said and kissed me in the cheek. 

We separate, and on the hallway, İ run into Max who's wiping his fingers with a napkin.

"Hi Max" İ say.

"Hey Connie" he says, pulls me by my shirt, and puts the used napkin in my front pocket.

He winks then leaves without saying anything else.

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