Chapter 6

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It's Friday and I've already spent hours cleaning and teenager-proofing the house. Max's parents wouldn't want anything to break. So I hide up every artwork, vase, anything breakable. When I'm done I sit down at the couch. I have nothing to do absolutely nothing. My life is so empty without Max and Col. I'm so grateful that they allow me to be their friends. I know many people would kill to hang out with them like that. I've seen many girls drooling over them, especially Max. in the school hallways.

I hear the car pull into the driveway. Mac hand tosses the keys to me, "Clear the trunk." They each carry a beer Keg and I bring out the rest of the groceries. I lay out all the snacks in the bowls while the two of them spread out on the couch.

"Can you believe that fucking bitch. She says I don't give her enough attention as if my life should Revolve around her." I heard Max saying.

"Yeah dude. It's tough."

"I have a life bro. Can't just be fooling around with her every second, especially when I can have literally anybody I fucking want. And before we starting dating I fucking told her I'm not going to be exclusive but she has to be and she acted like an obedient Little bitch and agreed at the time."

"Good thing you ended it bro."

"You can't have anybody " I said. Sure Max was the hottest guy I'd ever seen but anybody is a stretch.

He stretched out on the couch crossing his ankles. "Of course I can."

"Okay" I said and came and sat down on the floor below him.

"Name one person you think I can't get."

The name came out immediately. "Suzy"

"Huh" Col said.

Max just rubbed his jaws.

The party was crowded, needless to say. It was Max's party. Everybody wanted to be invited and everybody came. I had hidden anything sharp or breakable and laid out all the snacks in plastic bowls. Now I was sitting at the end of a couch while Col and Jess are making out at the other end. Col's feet are in my lap and the girl is sitting in his lap. They are making out intensely.

    Across the room I see Max. pinning a girl. I don't know who that is but he's intensely kissing her groping her butt.

"Disgusting right?" I hear Suzy on the couch next to mine.

"She seems to be enjoying it." I said. She most definitely was.

"That's what's disgusting."

We both laughed. She looked gorgeous in her black dress and long free hair.

"Hey do you wanna go somewhere quiet?" I ask her.

"Sure" She says.

I get up and lead her up the stairs to a balcony off of a guest bedroom. It has a nice view of the town.

"So are you enjoying yourself?" I ask.

"Yes. Thanks for inviting me."

I realize we're both looking at the view so I scoot right next to her.

"Anything for you Suzy."

He looks at me then and her eyes are just as beautiful as ever. I realize she's looking at me too and this is my chance. I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and reach with my lips- Just then Max. enters.

"Hey man I've been looking for you." He says. He's holding his jacket in his hands. He hands them to be then takes off his shirt and puts it in my hands as well. And same with his shoes and socks. Suzy gives me a look of disgust.

"Got puked on. Get me a chance."

I start moving but he calls out. "I want the Nike Sliders."

I go onto his room wondering why he wants sliders because he nevers wears them except for the beach. I put the dirty clothes in the hamper and find new ones. I find everything I'm looking for except the sliders. I look everywhere and I still couldn't find them so I get crawling into the wardrobe to look for them. I find them and while I was getting up I get kicked back. I hear Max's voice. "Stay and don't make a sound."

Then I see him bring a girl in. Again he's intensely making out with her and groping her. Her hands are running along his back while his hands are squeezing her boobs. After quite a while of making out he pushed her down by her shoulders and she starts pulling down his zipper. He grabs his dick.

"Is that what you want bitch?"

"Yes Max."

As soon as I hear the voice my whole world comes crashing down. I'd recognize that voice anywhere. But it was too dark to see anything. I tried different angles but I could only see Max's torso. That's when he took a few steps back and that's when I saw the back dress. "Ohhhh bitch" Max was moaning, harder and harder until he was breathing hard. Then he crashed on the bed and I saw Suzy's face covered in my best friend's cum.

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