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-Third person pov-
Link ride his horse far into the east crossing the gates that enclosed the great Hyrule. His tan and white horse wisped passed the grasses and pale flowers that grew just outside the kingdom. Gripping the reins tightly, link had the face of determination. He was determined to find his one and only. His real princess, the thief that stole his heart. As he rode, the evening sky seemed as if it were being painted red,yellow,and pink. With the wind blowing threw his hair as he rode faster, and the small flutter of navi in his bag. She didn't like being stuffed in there, but for once she was silent. Up ahead the edge of a dark green forest came into view, as the horse known as Epona came to a slow clop, finally stopping a foot away from a tree that began the immense environment. Link stared at the trees and wondered what lie within. Was Tori in there? Links mind was clouded with fuzz and his determination clouded his judgement, but it might be worth the risk of Tori was in there. He took a breath in , then gave the reins a slight tug. His horse began to slowly move forward, showing caution in the animals stride. As he rode, he reached behind him and gripped the handle of his sword, taking it out as if something world pop up any second. But this is an unfamiliar part of he forest-yes, he went in here many times to save Princess Zelda from Ganondorf or wild beast that work for the darkness. But it just felt different this time, also yes, he did love saving Zelda, that's why he did it because of the adventure and for friendship, but this time it must be different because he knows that even if he does find her...she may as well walk away. After hours of trending through the dense trees and shrubs, the little light from the setting sun fades behind the western trees, signaling that nightfall has come over them. Eerie sounds o wildlife like the chirp of crickets or the hoot of owls put the trio on edge. He could feel navi who never left his bag shake in the leather, and although Epona was a brave horse, even she has never been this deep before at such hours. The only light given was the small flickers of the fireflies, and the flowers that glowed dim colors from harnessing the suns rays during the day. Finally, mid-step, Epona stopped. This sudden halt made link almost fall off. Epona looked around , her head darting from side to side at different angles as if trying to catch something. As link stared at his horse his ears twitched as he also began to pick up on the slight sounds.branches...branches cracking...swift motions...someone's out there.
Link grips his master sword tightly as he tries to keep his scared horse steady.
Link Racks his brain for what this thing could be. A monster? But why hasn't it attacked yet? A possum? No, they stay don't stalk prey like this...
"Who's there! " Link calls into the trees.
No response except that the creature must have gone still or left, because Epona stopped struggling and all was silent again. Link put a had on his face and tried to think.
"Dang it Tori...where are you.." He grumbled
As if on cue, something wishes past the boys hair and embeds its metal too in a tree. Link went pale as he froze in the same position, slowly making progress to turn his head to look at what it is. An arrow was embedded into the tree with something on its tail end.
He looks at it puzzled before getting off his horse and with a sword in hand, taking it down. Link stared at this note now in his hand, it reads...-watch out.
"Watch out...? What??" Then it hits him, he spins around as a knife comes flying out of the darkness. He reacts ,quickly dodging the weapon and rolling to the side. His horse Epona nehs with fear, rearing up on her hunches. Link throws the paper down and scans the forest for the enemy. Then out of the depths comes them. Another type of Elven people descend from the trees, some come out of the shrubs or bushes, and others were just tanking in the dark shadows that lined the lighter parts of the night. Link swallowed hard as he realizes that he was definitely outnumbered, and outsized...these guys looked like they were six foot something or taller! Link was hardly five eleven! They grunted and made multiple clicking sounds as they pointed knives, clubs, and spears at me. They seem to be all male...or female...He didn't know, they were all tall, with purplish tinted skin, lots of tattoos, and stringy dark hair. They seemed very war like or barbaric in a way, so link did what he could do...taking a breath in, he set his weapon on the floor.
" Hi...uhm...I'm link. I don't want any trouble. " He said putting his hands in the hair.
" So, if I may, this is all a big misunderstanding, can I please just take my horse..." He made a gesture to his horse and they all grunted loudly and pointed their weapons at me.
"...ok then. " Link mumbled.
Three elves advanced to link, He tried to grab his sword but one came from behind and grabbed both of the Hero's arms as he held link in place. He struggled against the other elves strength as the others grabbed his feet. Finally one pushed link to the floor, as link felt his wrists and ankles being bound together with a rope like string.
" What is this for?! Did I cross the territory or something!! " Link grunted under the pain. He could faintly see from his position that Epona was getting angry as they roped her as well. After minutes of the people chattering, they lead ...well....carried the trespassers away, deeper into the dark night.
The cold wind slaps links face as he is thrown once more to the ground, but this time, he is in what looks to be a large camp. Tents with taro roofing and wells with farms close by lined the once non tree spot of the forest. Link glared at the Elven that took his captive. The talk purple man watched his closely, it knelt down and took out a knife. Links face went hard with fear as the man poked link.
"Flesh...." It grumbled under its breath.
"Being you even dare. " Link said harshly to it.
It seemed to laugh at link as it stood up.
"Puny man. Silly and fleshy. Make good supper. "It said
" I said don't talk about me like that. Stupid purple man thing."
It glared at link as it went into a tent for a second and came out with more rope. Link looked at it hesitantly as the man smirked and made a knot with it, leaving some rope excess. One burly hand pushed down on links throat and the other shoved the large rope knot into links mouth.
"What hey-mmhhmm!!!" Link pulled away but if he did he couldn't breath. The purple elf wrapped the rest of the rope around links head and connected the rope together, making a gag.
"Now puny elf shuts up. Or I make him feel pain. " The thing snapped
Link sat there, tied to the ground with rope around his mouth.
"Well this is a terrible predicament to be in. " Link thought. Finally after many hours dawn began to climb into the sky, the pink,yellow,and orange light painted the clouds in the east. The men and I guess women came out of there houses. I saw a few smaller elves walk past me... They seemed to be children, but just as ugly as there parents. The children poked me in weird places that I didn't like and laughed in that word way before their parents could shoo them away. Another one came by with a bowl. It sat the bowl down and in that contained brown mush. Link groaned thinking that this could be really bad food...or just not food in general , if you know what I mean...😐
He decided not to take that chance and pushed the bowl away with his feet.
" I need to get out of here..." He bought to himself. He began to ponder the things that happened.
"Why would they capture me? I probably crossed a last time. Why would he give me a bowl of mush to eat? One-it doesn't even look edible, and two- how would I even eat it with a gag in my mouth and no free hands to use to take the gag off. "
Then He remembered when He got captured, an arrow flew at link from out of nowhere. It went right past him...not striking link. So that person must have no intention of killing him. Then, it said to watch out, that's good. Maybe one of these barbarians are good. Wait....
" They had clubs, knifes, and bow and arrows...." Link thought to himself
"Then who...?"
Now the next nightfall has reached the camp. That one guard is now back for his shift, as he watches link carefully and occasionally will look around him. Link glared right back at the tall , muscular elf. Then...something else caught his eye, links gaze fell to a shadow that dashed silently across the forum of the camp. He didn't want to make the big elf suspicious so he shook it off. But he kept watching the figure dash closer to them, still silent. Then a small crack came from the figure and the purple elves ears snapped up and he spun around. He glared at he darkness , hopefully sensing nothing. Then Link sees the shadow quickly come behind the elf, this figure was literally standing one foot in front of link. The hero of time was staring in shock at the figure who stood there silently , not paying attention to link, but to the talk elves back. The shadow lifted what seems to be a hand and strikes the elf in the upper back, even though this shadow was much shorter, even smaller than me. The purple elf instantly crumbled to his knees but the shape caught him and sat him slowly on the ground. Then it stood still. Finally, Link saw it turn its head around, He couldn't make out any features that this elf had but it just saved his life in a way. It knelt down and took out a knife, cutting links binds.
He stared puzzled at the figure but reacted quickly eating up. The figure looked around then walked off. Link chased after it, destined to know who and why she or he saved her.
The figure ran faster knowing that link was on its trail.
As link ran he called rapidly, " hey who are you?!"
It didn't respond it just kept on its way.
" Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey you you you you you you you you you you you you you!!!!!!" Link said continually as he ran.
Finally the figure stopped abruptly. It spun around right as link stopped in front of it. The good covered its face and most of the body.
link put his hands on his knees and breathed heavily , out of breath.
It glared at him under its hood.
He stood up and looked at it confused
"Well? Who are-" before he could finish the figure clenched his fist and slammed it into links jaw. He stumbled backwards from the sudden impact, Landon on his rear in the forest. He stars up at the good figure, confused and dazed.
"What the?!" He yelled clutching his swollen face.
"That's for leaving me you jackass. "

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